Chapter 12: Tom and Jerry

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No. way.

There ain't no way I'm getting lunch with him and that bimbo again. There ain't no way I'm seeing that bully ever again—Regina George? Oh hell, more like that blonde Smiling Titan from that anime—what's it called again? Forget it. What matters the most is that, there ain't no. way. I'm seeing his face again. You know what? I'll move. Yes—yes! Packing up my belongings, definitely grabbing Tumba. I'll find a place far, far away where the mere thought of running into him is a distant nightmare. It's time for a change. A fresh start. I won't be his neighbor again. I won't be his—


Beside you, down the window, a guy screams your name with the top of his lungs like a psycho. Cringing in shame, you notice the inside of the bus start getting distracted by the commotion he made. You give them an apologetic gesture, then swiftly turn to the window. With impeccable timing, you catch his eye, making him pause. You shoot him a mischievous nervous grin, and fly a middle finger right to his face! Aware of his scrunched nose when he continues his rant, you look away to find a mix of gasps and stifled cheers erupting from the other passengers.

The bus thankfully starts to pick up speed, leaving him behind in the traffic jam. You watch with a sense of relief as he's becoming distant. Turning your attention back to the front, the frown on your face now replaced with a victorious smirk. The passengers around you exchange approving glances, and a few even give you subtle high fives.

Yeah, I know. He's been following me around since school. Thank. God the bus is on schedule today—at least the universe's on my side this once. Probably already dropped off that girlfriend of his—but how the hell he's already behind this bus? How can I lose him once the bus stops? Run? Yeah, that's the only option.

The bus grinds to a halt, and as it aligns perfectly with your housing complex, you're already standing at the door, nervously clenching and unclenching your knuckles. The impending dread of potential encounter with an unwanted boy hangs heavily in the air.

Ok three, two—

Once the door opens, you run as fast as you can. You sprint past the security guard, past your complex's statue.. and as you pass Wyatt's house, you're feeling a mix of relief and amusement—he's still nowhere in sight. You're close. So close to finally arriving at your house. You can't help but let out a small chuckle at your own stealth skills, you've outsmarted him. Grinning, you turn the corner to your usual spot—

But Cavill stands right there, leaning casually against his black Defender. Once he sees your disheveled self, he wears that mischievous grin of his, the perfect opposite of your stunned reaction. You come to an abrupt halt, eyes widening in disbelief.

"How did you.. what?!"

Clearly enjoying the moment, he raises an eyebrow. And as his grin turns into a smirk as he scoffs,

"Nice try."


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