Chapter 3

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Hello my gorgeous people ok I'm gonna start the action part now it’s probably not gonna be amazing I'm sort of basing it on a dream I had a while back. And I’ve taken a few bits out cause it ended with cotton candy eating elephants and then turning into elephant shaped cotton candy so yeah. So don’t dis the extremely mucked up mind I have. Sorry its short and for the late update I have been busy all weekend.

Raulf=wise wolf

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Nicks POV

I was sitting on the front of my friend’s truck when a black hummer pulled up in front of the school all the windows were blacked out, showing no one from inside. Three huge guys got out from the front and unlocked the back door from the outside; they were locked just like a house lock. Another two guys got out from the back all the men were wearing black. The last figure to get out was smaller it looked like a girl she was tall but looked very thin. Long wavy dirty blonde hair fell down her back ending half way she was wearing grey tight skinny jeans, black combat boots, and black leather jacket the group of guys surrounded her two grabbed her arms and pulled her towards the school.

My friends and I watched the scene unfold of the girl being dragged into school. Only when we knew they were out of earshot which is a long way for a wolf ‘geez wonder what that was about’ Raulf said he was the Beta of my pack, always asking questions and always knowing the answers. The three guys I was sitting with turned back and shrugged their shoulders in sync none of us has any clue who that girl was or why she had to have that many guards.

The school was buzzing about it with in ten minutes and everyone wanted to know who this mystery girl was. I heard girls gossiping saying ‘I heard that she killed her whole pack’ ‘I heard she ate her brother because he was meant to be Alpha’ ‘I heard she’s a celebrity who just found out about being a were’ each girl came up with a different explanation some so stupid it couldn’t be true but knowing nothing about her they all had the ability to be proven.

Our principal called us all to meeting outside; he stood above on a platform and raised his hands to make all the whispering stop. Once silence had fallen over the school he began to talk “now as many of you know we have a new student who entered our school today” the whispers started again and he signalled for us to stop “Now I have heard a huge amount of false accusations against a girl that none of you have even met yet, I ask you please to stop these rumours now or I will have to take action” an image was pushed through the schools link of a faceless body sitting in a chair getting interrogated by the principal. Many people’s faces drained of colour others kept quiet while I saw a few fall from the image.  I saw a slight smirk on his face when he tried to wipe it away with his hand before continuing. “I know all of you want to meet this new student so here she is” he put his arm out to the side gesturing down the stairs the girl walked up the creaky wooden stairs, looking around awkwardly not holding eye contact with anyone. Mr Hunter walked over to her and grabbed her arm she flinched back at the contact but allowed him to pull her centre-stage. “So my dear tell your classmates your name would you……?” it should have been an instruction but for some reason it was a question, he was never one to be afraid of a person but he was very edgy around this girl. She looked up and over the crowd

“My name is……Tala”

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