Chapter 12

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OK I'm sorry I left you all on a cliff hanger but I got to keep you guys interested don’t I?? Well anyway I hope you guys like this next chapter. Sorry for no updates in a while ive had some stuff on my plate which I hope will end soon and if not o well I'm gonna keep writing Ok a while since ive had any meaning behind names but here you go.

Robustos= the strong ones (in latin)

Storm= just a random badass name

Tala’s POV

Leaving Oakside was difficult, Raulf insisted on coming with us, as did most of the guys after hearing about the Delano. When we got back David had disappeared. I told Nick that I would go and tell Mr Hunter while he would explain to his friends and pack his bags.

I walked into Mr Hunter’s office; he was looking over some papers when he met my eyes, he looked at me knowingly, he nodded to a chair opposite his desk and I went and sat down on the small armchair.

“The time has come, the Delano have called us” he nodded at me.

“Tala, I'm sorry you have to do this, they sent you here to me knowing that there would be a higher chance to find a mate, while keeping up your training” I looked around the room and saw a door behind his desk looking toward it he saw where my attention was.

“I guess you can see what’s behind there if you want, its about you anyway…” I stood and walked toward the door with Mr Hunter following behind. When I opened the door I was greeted by red strings connecting pages, maps, letters, drawings and pictures.

“What is this?” I asked. “It’s a failed attempt at a solution…..for you….I didn’t want you to go through what the Delano plan for you ….i have lost a friend through what they plan for you and I don’t want anyone to go through that” his voice sounded sad and I knew he was telling the truth.

I walked around the room trailing my fingers along red lines of wool; I saw pictures of the black hooded figures, and the mountains where I had lived, different tattoos, various legends and many other things. At the centre of the boards was a picture of me next to a picture of a young man.

We talked for a while until he gave me two air tickets and the name of a limo company that would pick Nick and I up.

When I got back to my room I packed my bag quickly with only enough for around a week, I told Nick to pack warm clothes through our link. I took a quick shower and got dressed Nick was in my room when I had finished holding a backpack as well as mine is hand.

“Ready babe” he asked I nodded and grabbed my bag from him walking with him out of the school, all of our friends were waiting for us outside, we exchanged quick goodbyes, Raulf was still upset not to be going but had accepted it.

A car arrived and Nick and I entered it the rest passed in a blur we were on the plane in no time and then on the ground in a car being taken as close to my old packs lands as possible, we couldn’t get to the actual pack lands as it was further up the mountains and was to icy for any car to get up. We started walking; it took us three days altogether to get from Oakside to my pack lands. And over those three days my strength has been increasing, my resistance to cold has been strengthening, and my hearing became incomparable. I also started hearing thoughts and if I looked into Nicks eyes I could see his soul, it was his black wolf playing around on a beach with mine.  

As we trudged up the icy slope bad memories filled the air and I followed the slippery trails up to the huge land.

The icy wind nipped at my skin, I moved closer to Nick both our wolves generated a huge amount of heat but being so high the temperature still made me feel cool. Nick followed me over to the Alpha mansion and we started a fire. We snuggled closer to each other when we shifted keeping each other warm.

“Babe…you know you have to stay here tomorrow right…?” he nodded against my lap where I was playing with his hair.

“I know but I don’t want to” we continued to talk and eventually fell asleep together.

The next day was spent saying goodbye to Nick and it was beyond pleasurable he wanted me to remember him until I got back, I finally left a little after 4 in the afternoon I shifted and extended my claws into the ice like snow picks, I ran up the icy slopes until I found the secret garden.

The black hoods surrounded me and instructed me to shift giving me a stunning black dress with silver sequin on the top with openings on the side again showing my tattoo to change into. I complied and put on the dress and then followed the black hoods further into the garden.

The smell of blood hit me then, it was so strong, so musky, it was the smell of Alpha blood, my wolf compelled me to help a suffering Alpha, and I quickened my pace behind the leading black hoods. When I walked into the clearing I saw the source of the smell there was David doubled over in pain grasping his nose that was currently flowing with blood, above him stood a brutal looking man he was bald, covered in scars, his defined and bulging muscles looked as if they were moving, a dark devil tattoo covered his right shoulder, it looked like mine it was natural, a Gift from the Delano. (Pic on side)

He looked up to me, meeting his eyes using my new powers I could see into his soul, the grey wolf that he was, was looking around being pushed and shoved between black hoods holding weapons. His soul look tormented, this was what the Delano did to him.

He grinned at me looking me up and down focusing on my tattoo, he walked over and embraced me.

“Sister you finally arrive, this imposter says he is one of us” he gestured to David who was now standing clicking his nose back in place “Is he one of us sister, look into him see if he tells the truth” I looked at the man confused. The black hoods came to me and grabbed my arms, a searing pain burnt through me at their touch and I winced in pain.

The man grabbed me and pulled me back to him and said to them in a voice as cold as ice “you are hurting her, leave her be let her follow, do not force her” I nodded toward him telling him to let me go. He complied and stepped away.

“Follow us Tala…and you David….and you Storm” I followed the hoods at a distance not wanting to feel the burn of their touch again. We walked past the stone table I was turned on, and continued walking through the garden, every turn was a new flower or tree. Until we arrived in a vast clearing it was a frozen lake, at the centre was a castle and we followed the hoods there, the castle seemed eerie no noise was present, no fire, no warmth emanated from it, NO LIFE.

When we were 10 meters from the gates they opened, from within, we kept following until we came to a huge room it was cold, then I heard a clicking sound the sound of shoes on marble floor, I turned my attention to the sound and saw then that there was a long narrow table filled with elegant chairs on either side and one, extravagant chair at the head.

The black hoods started walking in and taking their places behind chairs none sat down yet, we were ushered over to three seats one on one side and two on the other. We waited until everyone was standing around the table, and then the double doors on the side of the room opened with a creek, and in walked in the head of the Delano, he was daunting, he was a tall man with broad shoulders, he reached the head of the table which was next to me and started speaking.

“Brothers and Sisters, I welcome our guests, the Robustos, the strong ones, please they are with us now remove your hoods” every person then removed their hoods each person wore black clothing most men wore a black shirt and black pants where women wore old fashioned dresses I looked around taking in everyone, then I turned my head to see the head, he was huge his muscles where visible under his black shirt and his face was handsome but he had a scar from just above his left eyebrow to just past the bottom of his left eye.

I felt a pain in my head like a line of fire was travelling between my temples, and then my stomach felt another pain, as if I was being stabbed straight through to my back, my tattoo burnt to no end it felt as if it was imprinting itself into my muscle. I looked around to see Storm looking at me with worry, and David smiling, basking in my pain. The head looked at me with confusion, I heard vague shouts and yells and felt something cold hit my back and a whack, as my head made contact with the marble floor, my vision became hazy, but the pain continued, nothing could stop it, nothing at all, nothing but death, but death would not greet me. And I was forced through more and more pain. It NEVER stopped.

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