Chapter 21

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Abigail caught up to them as they went around the back to where the fireplace was, and as they weaved through the various furniture, Samuel's chamber man appeared as if from nowhere, in his night shirt, holding a lamp.

"He sent me to bed early. I had no idea," he blurted. "Beg your pardon, my lord."

"Walter, it is fine. The earl is just very drunk," Abigail said as she dodged around Niall, Erik and the Earl. "See his bed is turned down please."

Water hurriedly left to pull the blankets and quilts down as they heaved Samual into a chair near the banked fire. Erik straightened and let out a groan as his back popped.

"Heavy bugger," Niall muttered as he did the same.

Samuel suddenly convulsed, leaned over, and vomited onto the hearth. Abigail gasped and turned away, and Erik groaned again.

"Alright, get some water. We'll get his boots off and him into bed. Gods abound, this is a mess."

Samual looked up at Erik then, the grief still plain to see on his face. He put a hand out as Erik bent to pull his boots off and stopped him.

"He's taking it all."

"No, My Lord, he isn't," Erik assured him as he pried one boot off, and Walter appeared with a cloth and some water in an ewer. Walter wiped his face, and fussed over his neck cloth. His uncle batted at his hands and let himself lean back, his head thunking to the back of the tall chair, taking the other boot off himself with his foot. Erik stood and backed away, sensing the man needed space.

"He is. He came to me this evening and said he has written to Kirkam House. He wants to take Harriet to live in the palace at Bethune, with Abigail, too. He's taking everything."

Erik looked up in time to see Abigail's face go white and her hands cover her mouth. "Niall," He growled and nodded at Abigail.

Niall caught her as she collapsed, and helped her over to another chair. Erik ran a hand through his hair, attempting calm as he regarded both a very drunk earl and a very upset and faint Abigail. Wonderful. Everything was coming undone, it seemed.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked his uncle, crouching down to his eye level.

Samual looked at him and gestured towards Abigail, who was now being fussed over by Walter. Her eyes were turned to Erik, confusion and dread in them and his skin prickled in response. She was connected to his soul somehow, because otherwise how would she have such an effect on him? He'd never felt like this for any other person, not even Niall, his best friend.

This was different, and strange, and he did not want to deal with it right this moment.

"I mean—" the Earl slurred, then straightened in his chair a bit, closing his eyes briefly before opening them again, turning towards the fire. "I mean that Abigail was to take my daughter with her to Kirkam House, to be raised in a household with many children and women, a warmer home where she could flourish, and be surrounded by my eldest sister's family."

"I see," Erik said, and he stood to pace. "And the Duke wants the child? Harriet is your own blood, surely—"

Samual waved his hands, interrupting Erik. "The Duke has said he wishes Abigail and Harriet to attend him at Bethune Palace. He wishes to find Abigail a fortunate match, and have Harriet raised by a Royal governess. If I refuse—"

"A fortunate thing, is it not?" Niall interrupted then, sitting himself onto a footstool, his back to the fire. "I mean, being in the Royal Palace, what could be so bad about that? She would have every need taken care of."

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