Chapter 28

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Abigail was snugging up her wrap, Mouse babbling and batting at her necklace, little feet kicking in happiness when she spotted Emilie and her Great Aunt. She waved, and made her way to them, her cloak swirling out with the breeze that had sprung up, threatening cold rain. Mouse looked out around her, the breeze touching her cheek.

"It is our friend the wind, Mouse," she whispered. "When you are finally home with me, we will properly introduce you to her, out on the bluff, where the sea lets her sing unhindered."

A squeak from Mouse, and back she went to the necklace.

"I cannot find Ylaine," Emilie said, as she reached them. "Have you seen her?"

"I suspect she is with that handsome red-haired man from your village," Noora said. "They were quite plain in their feelings last evening."

Emilie nodded sadly. "I suspect this will be very difficult for both of them. Niall has always been fond of her, but even I had no idea how deep their affections ran."

Noora hummed an agreement, and smiled at Abigail. "My dear, are you ready for your adventure?"

"As I can be, Great Aunt. I admit I am still frightened, but—"

"Also excited for the unknown, aren't you?" Emilie answered, a knowing smile stealing over her as she reached out to pinch Mouse's cheek. Mouse burbled at her, and Abigail bounced her slightly, making her giggle. "I felt much the same, and my departure was not organized in pomp and importance."

"I suppose not."

"You will always be welcome here," Noora added. "Of course."

"I will visit, I promise, when I am able," she said, meaning it. There was something about this place that made her feel more a part of something important. Perhaps it was Mouse, perhaps it was the gravity of the muster and the Duke's visit. No matter what it was, she felt fortunate.

"I am anticipating my petition to the king. I must prepare what I will say, and how I—"

"You will do just fine, my dear," Emilie interrupted, waving her hands at Abigail. "I suspect you might charm him just by being there with Harriet."

The Duke took that moment to descend the steps from the main entrance. He was wearing what looked to be a red silk robe, the colours brilliant in the morning sunlight. On his head was a wrap of saffron-purple, folded around several times and pinned at the top with the largest green jewel Abigail had ever seen, in the shape of a bird of some sort. Feathers sprouted from it, brilliant greens and blues shimmering out. If he noticed Emilie, he did not let on, and Emilie let out a sigh of relief when he turned away from them.

"Dear God, he dresses more finely than the Queen, I suspect," Noora said under her breath. "It was often wondered in court, years ago, if the Duke was perhaps, what was the word..."

"Wishing he was born a woman?" Emilie finished for her, and they smiled at one another. "I remember spying on his retinue when he arrived for our wedding. I knew right away that I could never keep up to his fashions. Even then he was flamboyant and brave in his choices."

Abigail raised her eyebrows and looked over at the Duke, who was ordering his waitstaff about, sending them scurrying in all directions. Several gold and jeweled rings flashed on his hands as he waved them. Suddenly it made sense.

"I see," she said slowly. "Why does he need to dress so extravagantly? If we are set upon, he will lose all those beautiful jewels. Some of them could feed whole families for a year!"

Noora chuckled and patted Abigail on her shoulder. "Because he can, my dear. The Duke of Burton doesn't need to worry about feeding families."

Abigail's thoughts turned to the families all these men were leaving behind. She thought about how fortunate Emilie and Ylaine were, even though they were left behind while Erik and his father left for parts unknown. She wondered at how all the villages would cope for the winter, their men gone, their harvest still in the fields, their income reduced. Perhaps the Duke should be thinking about that, or he would have no bread to eat by next year, taking all these men.

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