Chapter 23

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Erik was tightening up a pack on a wagon when he spotted his father handing the reins of his horse over to a stable lad. Road dust had settled on his riding leathers, and he had a heavy crease of it resting on his cheeks. The rain had been sporadic, so the roads must have been quite dry.

Erik stood, his back cracking as he did and he waved. His father looked very serious, and tired.

"What is it?" he asked when his father reached him. "Did the ride not go well?"

"No. No. Cerrin is home. The ride was quite pleasant."

"So, mother? Ylaine?" Erika asked, impatient. "You do not look happy, father."

His father bowed his head and sighed. "That woman—" then stopped, the frustration clearly showing.

"Is here," Niall finished for him, as he handed his father a waterskin. "In the garden, with your sister. Shall we go say good morning?"

Niall was grinning like a freshly creamed cat, and he had re-done his braid, brushed off his new black Kingsman leathers, and smelled less offensive than normal. How had he known? Niall seemed to notice everything that went on. Erik took in his best friend. He was not the same man that had left River Bend. As Niall cleaned himself up further, he realized the suitability of Niall to his sister took shape. He looked down at his own leathers. They were still stiff, creaking as he moved. the softness of the calfskin would come with wear, but it was irritating, almost as much as his new armour was.

"Why?" he turned to his father again. "You brought them here? What of our home?"

"I managed to convince Commander Harrt to discharge Donegal."

"Great news. Still doesn't answer my question. Why are mother and Ylaine here?" Erik asked again, growing more impatient. "Was it your idea?"

"No," his father growled. "I wanted her to stay, have Donegal move his family in with them for the winter to see to the hogs. She would have none of it. You know how she is if she gets an idea in her head."

Erik grinned at that, knowing full well his father would have had no choice but to obey if his mother had decided they were to join him at Berrigan Keep. Perhaps the earl would take them in. There could be far worse situations for his mother and sister to be in.

"Donegal will take good care of our home, I am sure," Erik said gladly. "I am pleased he will not miss the birth of his first child."

"Agreed. Now, I must see to something. Go greet your mother, Erik. She was asking for you the moment we arrived," his father said as he strode away.

Erik let out a relieved breath and looked at Niall ruefully. "I think my father had his hands full, but I cannot say I'm unhappy to know they are here."

Niall slapped Erik on the back hard, then jogged off towards the garden. Erik followed more slowly, his hand on his sword to keep it from flapping, the hum centering him, tempering the unease that had been following him all day. He had wanted to see River Bend one more time before they began the journey to Bethune. He wanted to remember it, because he knew that even though Donegal was just to tenant the house and hogs, it would be permanent. Hopefully his father had arranged for income to go to Donegal as well. In essence, they had given their family legacy away in the space of a few days.

It hurt far more than he wanted to admit.

Niall strode through the gate yelling for Ylaine, his arms outstretched, and as Erik reached the gate as well, he saw his sister fly into Niall's arms, Niall whirling her in a circle. She spied him as Niall set her down and then she launched herself at him as well.

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