Not a Chapter - Notes/Info

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1. No, no one knows what Squidge is or his real cat name, and it will stay that way. He wants/needs to stay anonymous for ... reasons. (In short, he pissed off too many people during his reign. I mean, of course he did!) 

2. Cat Sìth: Pronounced like "cat-shee," the word comes from Gaelic: "Cait" means cat and "sith" is the term for fairies. They are ghost-like cats with all black fur and a small white spot on its chest. They supposedly haunt the Scottish Highlands and are considered malevolent creatures, believed to be soul thieves. If one passed over a dead body before it was buried, it could steal the soul from it. There are lots of stories and myths about it that you can google.

3. Any suggestions for Reau's kitten's name? It will be a female just like described - gray with blue eyes. Here's a preview picture of her (Scottish fold breed, because I can't resist those droopy ears!):

 Here's a preview picture of her (Scottish fold breed, because I can't resist those droopy ears!):

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Khan Jasper Nanda

1. He is a really bad guy. No, I mean REALLY bad guy. He'll get what he deserves in the next chapter, although I wish his end would be drawn out a little more, but the one who kills him loses his temper. (BTW, that chapter should make some of you VERY happy!)

2. I don't know why he owes Squidge, but he does, and that's the important part. I kind of had the idea Squidge stole a soul for him, but didn't flesh it out beyond that in my mind. I just needed a debt to exist between them.

3. Khan is an old word for king, so I thought it worked for the tiger king.


1. My husband and my godson - both high-functioning autistic - are constant sources of inspiration for how Reau thinks and responds. Half of Reau's conversations are ones I've had with my husband (please don't ask about tasting semen), and most of Reau's sweetness and innocence is based off my godson. My favorite recent quote from my godson was, "If I am ever lucky enough to have a girlfriend, I will treat her like a treasure because that is what she will be for me. I will tie her shoes and comb her hair and buy her lunch. It makes my chest feel warm to think of taking care of her." (He's sixteen, and I pray to ever god and goddess there is that he finds someone who can be trusted with his precious heart.) 😭

2. Reau was supposed to have maybe two chapters maximum in Posy, but I fell in love with him. He is my all-time favorite character I've ever created. 

3. There will be a very steamy reunion - Reau is missing his mates very much! - so hang in there for a couple more chapters. He'll be back in Arch and Wayne's arms soon!


I love reading all your match-making ideas! Keep them coming! The mates were planned before I even started the book, but I still think it's lots of fun to guess who ends up with whom!

Who are you shipping for the remaining characters? I will only say there is one character you haven't met yet, and there is one person on the list who will find his/her mate in the next chapter.





Princess Rhys

Elijah (His and Imogene's birthday isn't for a few months yet)


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