A Very Short Bonus Story

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Author's Note: This story is based on real events. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, even though none of my three little brothers were ever really innocent... 😊

Info readers have asked for that will be explained in later books:

Pa - Alpha Jayden (Was going to be Father, but the first triplets changed it to Pa!). The newest twins, Ivo and Jericho, are 'his' sons by .1 percent.

Pops - Alpha Wyatt. Evander "Van" - Darius' fraternal twin - is 'his' son by .1 percent.

Papa - Alpha Mason. Darius "Dare" - Evander's fraternal twin - is 'his' son by .1 percent. And I think you can figure out how fraternal twins happened with two different fathers if you read Posy, Book Five...

Daddy - Alpha Cole. The younger triplets - Felix, Gryphon, and Hadrian - are 'his' sons by .1 percent.

Tamā - Alpha Ash. The oldest triplets - Ambrose, Bastian, and Caspian - are 'his' sons by .1 percent.

As for Archer, Wayne, and Reau, yes, Emrys is Wayne's and Ellowyne is Reau's.  

When it comes to corporal punishment, I have to say, my husband and I raised my two youngest brothers  (one is 22 years younger than me and one is 24 years younger) because my parents weren't fit to have their custody. They weren't really fit to have mine or my other brother's, either, but things were different in the 70s and that's a whole other story! Anyway, we had very clear rules with spanking - the main one was never, ever spank when you are escalated!! - and the younger boy knew exactly why he was getting spanked. We never pulled his pants down or used a paddle or anything like that, and it was reserved for really awful behavior. And of course, there was always the talk after about how we're trying to raise him up to be a good man, not a selfish bully. He was bullheaded and wild and you could not tell him anything. You know the kind of personality I'm talking about?

As for the older boy, spankings would have broken him worse than he was when we got him. He hardly every acted up, although I'm convinced to this day that he was just too scared he'd get sent back to 'those people' as he called them, despite us reassuring him over and over that would never happen. With him, all we had to do was take away his Lego sets or Hot Wheels, and even that was traumatic because he'd come to our room every couple of hours - not to try and get them back, but to make sure we hadn't thrown them away or destroyed them. My parents fucked him up good and proper, but I am proud to say he grew into a kind, caring, gentle young man who works on farm tractors at an agricultural garage. In fact, he and his wife are expecting their first baby - a boy - in June! 

(In case you're wondering about the other boy, despite all our efforts, he got into some trouble with drugs in school and overdosed in eleventh grade on Xanax and heroin. He nearly died, and I think it scared him more than anything we could do or say. Thankfully, he's been clean since then - seven years sober! - and graduated from a vocational school with qualifications to work on Mack/Volvo trucks. He married his high-school sweetheart, who just graduated veterinary school, and we're very proud of him, too!)

I say all of this because I thought long and hard about how Posy would feel about spanking, and I think she'd be like me - hates it in a way, but knows her boys and which ones need a harsher punishment than a stern lecture or 'natural consequences' or loss of privileges. I also I think she'd always need to be there when spankings happened. I mean, I trust my husband in all things, but I had to be there, you know? Just to make sure... 

I don't know if this makes sense to anyone else, or what your thoughts are on spankings, and I hope this doesn't spark a huge debate on corporal punishment. Spanking is a personal choice, and you can find huge amounts of research on either side of the argument ... and this is just a romantasy written on Wattpad for your enjoyment, not an instruction manual for how to raise your kid!

(Wow! Sorry, I didn't know that was all going to come out! It's longer than this little vignette!)


Chip Clips

"Pa? Pa! Come quick!" Caspian screamed as he ran through the house at top speed, looking for the father he knew could help the best with the situation.

Unfortunately, he found his pops first.

"Whoa! What's wrong, little man? Why are you yelling?" Aloha Wyatt Black asked. "You're going to wake Vo and Co. Tamā just put them down for their nap."

"Sorry, Pops, but you gotta come save Vanny! Bash put chip clips on his wienie!"

"He did what?!" Wyatt's face split into a wide grin.

"Bash put chip clips on his wienie, Pops! Come save Vanny!" Grabbing his hand, Cas tried to pull him along, but Wyatt was laughing too hard for the little boy to even budge him.

"What's going on here?" Alpha Cole Barlow rumbled from the kitchen doorway.

Oh, no. Not Daddy! Cas thought with wide eyes. Someone's tushy is fixing to be red in a minute!

But he knew Daddy would find out anyway, and Pops was obviously no help, so he chose to save his brother rather than risk a red tushy himself.

"You gotta come save Vanny, Daddy! Bash put chip clips on his wienie!"

"What is wrong with that boy?" Cole muttered, but grabbed his six-year-old son's hand and motioned him forward, both of them ignoring Pops as he fell on the floor, clutching his stomach and howling with laughter.

"Why did Bash put anything on Van's wienie?" Cole asked as Cas towed him to the bedroom he shared with his twins, Ambrose and Bastian.

"No, Daddy. Bash put the clips on his own wienie! Now Bash won't take them off and told me to bring him some more because he wants to try them on his ball sack, too, but I was smart and came looking for one of you instead!"

"Definitely something wrong with that boy," Cole growled, then froze mid-step as the rest of what Cas said sank in. "So why do I need to save Evander and not Bash?"

"Because Amby found out that Vanny dared Bash to do it!"

"For the love of the moon! If Mommy comes home to one more black eye this week—"

Panicking at the thought, Cole scooped Cas up in his arms and ran like the hounds of hell were nipping at his heels, well aware that his oldest son had no mercy on anyone who messed with one of his little brothers.

Even if you were one of them and only four years old.

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