Chapter 3

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BAU Private Jet

The team sat on the jet on their way to Kansas, Sierra took a moment after take off to change out of her gym clothes in the bathroom with some of the clothes she had in her go bag. "They were each found strangled in the aftermath of a tornado?" Prentiss said more than asked as she went over the files JJ handed out when they boarded the jet. 

"Yeah, but that's not what did them in," Garcia said appearing on one of the screens on the jet as Sierra took a seat at a table next to Morgan and across from Prentiss and Reid. "The M.E has determined the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the heads before the storms hit," Garcia added. "The death blow in each case was in almost exactly the same spot," Morgan pointed out going over the file. 

Sierra took a look at the photos in the case file, "What about all the other damage to their bodies? Some of their limbs are missing," Sierra pointed out. "Yeah, victim number one his right leg was taken off. Victim number two, both arms were severed, but was that because of the tornado or the unsub?" Prentiss asked. 

"The M.E. still hasn't discovered that. He's a busy guy. Major storms have hit the area. 23 dead. The morgue is slammed," Garcia explained. "If it's the unsub, he's got a hell of a sadistic streak," Rossi commented. "A tornado would clear the area and give the unsub the privacy to do his thing," Morgan says. "He may be using the storm as the body disposition modality," Reid adds. "Forensic countermeasure, wind, hail rain. Mother nature destroys the crime scene," Rossi says. 

"Or he wants us to think mother nature actually committed the murders," Prentiss says. "What concerns me is the brief period between kills," Hotch said as he went over everything in the file he held. "Only a week. He's moving fast," Rossi adds. "We need to move faster. Garcia, get me ID's on all the victims." Hotch asked her. "I'm a gale force wind," Garcia replied before she ended the call.  

"You know if this unsub is using tornados as a forensic countermeasure, then Kansas certainly is the ideal setting. Tornados do pose a significant threat. During this year's super outbreak back in April, there were 336 confirmed tornados in just several days. resulting in over 300 lives lost," Reid replied as the jet went through some rough turbulence. 

It wasn't until the jet was about to land that Garcia appeared on the jet screens again. "Okay, so local PD have ID'ed your victims. I'm sending this all to your tablets now, if you'd like to follow along." Garcia said as the agents pulled out their tablets to look over the files Garcia sent. 

"First up is, Jason Merideth, 16 year old runaway from Garden City Kansas. Mom said he took off a year ago. Next up is Eric Jannell 15 year old foster kid from Wichita. He's been gone for 3 weeks... Oh, and both of these kids have records for possession and prostitution," Garcia added. "They were street hustlers," Prentiss said, "High-risk kids, This could be a sexual predator," Hotch said looking up from the file. "An extremely violent one if the unsub is responsible for the damage done to the bodies, Especially those missing limbs," Morgan adds. "Well, he could also be keeping the body parts for some sort of fetish or fantasy," Agent Rhodes adds. 

Crime Scene Wichita Kansas

Morgan and Rhodes make their way through the tornado wreckage towards the crime scene where Eric Jannell was found. Detective Chase led the agents to where the body was located while firefighters worked around the torn houses removing debris caused by the serve storm. 

"The guy was torn up pretty bad. Thought we'd find his arms but, we never did. We found him right over there," The detective said pointing out to the agents where the body was discovered. "The unsub definitely has his own mode of transportation, This is way off the beaten path," Morgan said looking around. "And the first victim Jason Meredith, was found over 30 miles away," Rhodes adds. "You said you were able to clear this place before the storm hit?" Morgan asked the Detective. "I didn't know you could do that for tornados," Agent Rhodes said to the detective. 

"When we get enough lead time, we try to clear all mobile home parks. The last place you want to be in a twister is in a trailer. We close off all the main roads, too," Detective Chase said. "Okay, so the unsub either found a way in, or he was already here and he hid during the evacuation," Agent Rhodes says. "That or the body got sucked up into the funnel cloud and was thrown here from someplace else," Morgan replied. "Either way, he came into close contact with this storm," Rhodes said. "Maybe even close enough to put himself in danger," Morgan adds. "Or he waited someplace safe for it to pass, and came back and dumped the body," Detective Chase replies to both agents. 

"No, I think the storm itself actually means something to this guy," Morgan says looking around the area at all the destruction. It reminded Sierra of some of the villages her platoon would go through after the Taliban destroyed, murdered, burned, pillaged, and assaulted the villages. "You don't think he's just using the storm to cover his tracks?" Rhodes asked Morgan. "I played ball in college with a guy from Indiana. He said he and his boys used to get drunk and then chase storms. Said it was the closest they could get to the true power of god," Morgan said. 

"I saw an F3 when I was in high school. He wasn't kidding," The detective said to Morgan. "okay, so he's impulsive, probably young, maybe a loner with nothing to lose." Rhodes says as they begin to build their profile of the unsub. "We should be looking at actual storm chasers, where can we find them?" Morgan asked Detective Chase. "They mostly work with the university." Detective Chase replies. "You think this guy is educated?" she asks Morgan, "He knows enough about the weather to use it to his advantage. So far it's working." Morgan replies.

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Connor made his way into the hospital with his winter coat and duffle bag over his shoulder. The tall dark haired surgeon made his way into the cafeteria to grab himself a vanilla latte before his shift started in the ED. 

While he stood in line his mind wandered back to the conversation he had with his father a few weeks after he got back to Chicago. He asked about how Sierra was doing, the only reason he agreed to talk to the man in the first place. 'Sierra? I haven't heard from your sister in years. Since she took off to do her own thing, I heard from a poker friend she joined the Army Rangers and was posted in Afghanistan... I believe,' 

Afganistan? Sierra joined the military?!? Connor still couldn't wrap his head around her decision to fight in the front line of the war. He also wasn't there to figure out how or why she came to the conclusion or to try to stop her. As he went to place his order he wondered where Sierra was? how she was doing? or if she was even still alive? Connor shook the dark thought from his mind as he placed the order for his latte and made his way to the ED for his shift. 


Hey again, I hope you like chapter 3! I wanted to add a bit or perspective from Connor's view in this story. I hope you guys liked it, and hopefully, I have another update for you soon!


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