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cast + character blurbs.

song kang as nicholas 'nick' kim-roth

       Nicholas Kim-Roth was something of an anomaly

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       Nicholas Kim-Roth was something of an anomaly. Top student of the incoming Oxford class, he often kept his head down and stuck to himself. He was rarely seen in the light of day, or in the dimly lit parties after dark, really the only place you could count on finding him was in the lecture halls. Though, he didn't really look much like your average honor roll student. His hair was always a mess, and he never wore anything nicer than a hoodie and sneakers, and there were always bags under his eyes like he never actually slept.

      And yet, somehow, the one person he spoke to on campus was Felix Catton. That wouldn't be all that strange normally, Felix was extremely popular. He was tall, attractive, and decently charming, and everyone flocked to him like moths to a flame, but it was rare for him to go out of his way to interact with someone, especially someone like Nick. And to say Felix Catton was your only friend was sort of a paradox in itself: wouldn't being friends with the most well liked guy on campus practically guarantee that you're also well liked?

      Maybe Nick kept it that way on purpose. Maybe he liked not having to deal with the upkeep of relationships, and having only one friend made it easier. Or, maybe it was because he was the exact opposite of what you'd expect him to be when you were actually gifted a conversation. If you were to hear him speak to a professor, it would be with utmost politeness and respect, then on his walk back from the desk, his eyes would roll so hard you could see the whites of his eyes. Anytime he was near Felix, his head was always lowered, eyes covered by long, dark hair, but a lopsided grin was always present in his snarky whispers to the other boy.

      He and Felix were practically inseparable when they actually had the chance to be together, like a mutually beneficial relationship. Nick released all of his built up emotions to Felix, and..well, Oliver was still trying to figure out what Felix got out of the friendship. Though, when a parasite tries to worm its way between them, Nick's jealousy grows more apparent and he's bound to squish the ant that was Oliver Quick under his shoe if it was the last thing he did.

park so-dam as eleanor 'nell' kim-roth

     If Nicholas was the anomaly, Nell was a mere figment of imagination

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     If Nicholas was the anomaly, Nell was a mere figment of imagination. There wasn't anything particularly special or extraordinary about her; she was average in school, she had switched majors a handful of times, and honestly she only applied to Oxford so she could be with her brother. She had always followed him, not out of fear or dependence, but because she admired him and wanted to be just like him. She wasn't entirely sure what that entailed, but she thought he was the best person she'd ever met and ever would meet.

    There was one thing Nell was that Nick wasn't; kind. And not the sort of nice where you said good morning to everyone because you felt like you had to, or invited everyone to your birthday party so no one felt left out. The alternative options didn't even cross her mind, she just did the kind thing. She was akin to a bunny rabbit in a field or the first rays of sunlight after a cloudy day, and those were far and few. She didn't try to be nice, she just was, naturally.

     And boy, was that the most irritating thing about her—at least for Oliver Quick.

      It made her likeable, too likeable that it would take framing her for a murder to make people like the Cattons dislike her. No one could ever be held to a higher regard than her, and that was an issue. It was an even bigger issue given that Farleigh Start, the sharpest thorn in Oliver's side, appeared to be the most infatuated with her.

     But all wasn't failed yet. There was a positive side to this, as there always was with Nell. That doe-eyed rabbit could end up being a trap in herself, he'll just have to learn how to set it and wait.

diana silvers as jade christensen

      Jade Christensen is another other cousin of the Cattons, though on the maternal side

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      Jade Christensen is another other cousin of the Cattons, though on the maternal side. That being said, while Felix was very obviously Elspeth's favorite child and though she already had a daughter in Venetia, she saw Jade as her 'mini-me'. The two were really nothing alike, not physically— Jade's dark brown hair was incomparable to the older woman's long, blonde hair; her eyes were wide and glossy, waiting to be dulled by the world, while Elspeth's were adorned with wrinkles she desperately tried to hide but always showed when she'd crinkle her eyes and raise a brow to question every move someone made.

      Still, when Jade visited, Elspeth often never left her side, which could be annoying, but the alternative to her incessant gossiping (about family Jade had never met) was hanging out with Felix, Venetia, and Farleigh. She wasn't all that fond of laying naked in the grass with her relatives, so gossip it was.

      This meant Jade was a bit of a mystery, as were all that entered Saltburn, but even her own family barely knew anything about her. She didn't particularly try to remain closed off, but the older she grew, the less she minded. It made her more observant of others since she didn't have to worry about how she was being perceived, and being observant in a house full of rich snobs disconnected from reality..a blessing and a curse.

      That is, until an outsider named Oliver Quick starts leering around. Jade never had a good feeling about him, but as he begins to shift from awkward and a little weird to walking around the halls like he owned the place and the people in it, she realizes that his intentions might not be all that pure and that someone will have to stop him before he can see them through.

      However, his plan might not be all that bad,  but she's not particularly fond of working with a creep.


Saltburn cast as their respective characters.



language, violence, murder, sexual insinuation/potential sexual content or mention of, emotional manipulation?, this media just needs a warning of its own really


I can't believe I'm here with another fanfic when I haven't written more than one for like 6 years. Hopefully I keep inspiration and motivation for this longer than a week—

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