A Hidden Secret

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Fear is something I’ve never really felt, I’ve had glimpses of fear but, you never truly have experienced fear until you’ve think you’ve come close to death or at least in looming over you. My feet pound beneath me on the empty streets of New York. The street lights had blown and nobody was in sight just me and the man chasing me.

15 minutes ago

Sitting on my cheap floral couch I bought from goodwill, tears stream from my eyes while I watch The Notebook. The crunch of my chip bag rustles as I reach for another chip, empty. “Ugh” I sigh Grabbing my remote, I pause my movie, throwing the chip bag in my purple waste bin. Grabbing my purse, I open my door from my apartment leading to a hallway. It was oddly silent, no screaming baby or laughter from the drunken two doors down. Shrugging the weird feeling off, I exit the building seeing the streets are empty except the one dark man leaning up against the wall. I stand there for a moment studying him and he does the same, he has black long hair (not long like pony tail but, long to the bottom of his shoulder and it turns up at the edges.) light gray eyes,  he stands about 6 feet and is muscular. His eyes roam my body I have muddy colored brown hair, dark green eyes, and stand about 5”1 foot, I’m slim and petite. The stranger approaches me “Well, hello” his voice says softly, my body’s paralyzed. He swept my hair away from my neck, I’m not afraid though. He flashes a smile and where his canines should be two pointed fangs are there, he leaned down and I felt his mouth graze my neck. My instinct kicked in; lifting my knee I hit him in his soft spot. He kneels over in pain groaning, I didn’t hesitate I ran.

My heart pounds frantically, slammed to the ground, I open my mouth to let out a scream but, it only comes out as a squeak. Feeling a sharp pain in my head my world spins into darkness.

             My eyes flutter open, my vision is blurry but slowly a ceiling comes into my vision.  That’s not my ceiling my mind races to remember what happen. It flashed back in a rush and I jump back at the force it had on my mind. Sitting up I get a good look around, I’m on a king sized bed with red fluffy blankets. The walls are an eggshell white color and they're three doors, two on the left and one on my right. Trying to get up, I hear the rattle of a chain and my foot almost breaks off when I tried getting off the bed. Looking down I notice a chain is around my left foot, tugging on it I notice it’s really heavy chained. The door on my right clicks, jumping around I saw the man from the streets.  “Ah your awake” he smirks at me, I still had my hands on the chain where I tried pulling “It won’t come off” sitting at the edge of my bed “Who are you? Why am I here? What do you-” he raises his hand up silencing my questions “My name is Hayden” he doesn’t say anything after that, just continues to stare at me “Why am I here?” I repeat my second question. “Because I brought you here” he answered coldly, I don’t know why he was upset but, he was “What’s your reason?” I could feel myself getting impatient “I don’t have to have one” he says, I hold in a scream of frustration “Yes you do” I answer just as coldly, which I only get an amused look. His hand slips in his pocket and he pulls out a small silver key, looking down at my chain and then back to the key. He going to unlock me I think “Now if you promise not to run or scream, I’ll unchain you” I nod “Do you promise” he ask, hand behind my back I cross my fingers “I promise”.  Just like that my chains are gone, it took a blink and they were gone. Standing I stretch my aching muscles all the while feeling Hayden eyes on me; I decided not to run yet or scream. Turning towards him I lunge but, only fell into the air. I heard a click and I had no doubt what it was, looking down I saw the chain on my ankle. “I was going to give you a hug” I lied. He knew it to “Until you behave you are to remain on the chain” he says calmly “I am not an animal! I should not be chained up” I yell. Without another word he leaves me alone on the bed, I do not cry. I wish to but, the tears never come. I drift into a sleep dreaming of Hayden and what may happen.

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