Chapter 8

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       “Don’t give me that crap!” Hunched in the corner of my wall, I hold the tears back. I could not show weakness, or it would be worse.

 “Please, I didn’t do it on purpose.” My voice is shaky and weak. My back hits the wall I’m hunched into painfully, I had been kicked in the gut.

“You’re a whore!” He screams in my face, verbal abuse always hurts more. I can’t cover my ears to block out his screaming, he said he’d cut my hands off if he did.

“Father! Please” I yell over his screams, another painful slap.

 “Do not call me that!” another slap, another, and another.

“George!” I can hear my mother screams in the back.

“What Meredith!” My father steps back from me, glaring at my mother. She was small woman but, she had a temper. Why does she stay with my abusive Father? In her sick way she loves him, but hates what he does to me

. “Come to bed, love.” She whispers to him and I can see him visibly calming down. They did love each other just, things go wrong. My mother has never been bad to me, she's kind and loving. That’s probably the reason my father will never let her leave. Once their gone, I straighten and start my homework, like nothing happened.

              I was fifth teen then, now here I lay kidnapped, a man that’s like my father and nothing like him at the same time. He yells but, hasn’t hit me, yet. I shouldn’t push his button but, stuff just slips out of my mouth. I hated violence yet, I find myself being violent. “Ugh!” I yell in frustration, it’s been two days and I’m still on bed rest. Slipping out of my bed, I can hold myself up pretty well now. I make my way down the hall and open Hayden’s study room door.

 “What are you doing up?” Hayden yells, lightning fast he holding me up and setting me down on the couch in his room. My breathing labored and I wheeze the sounds make me embarrassed.

 Once I’m calm, I look up to Hayden’s furious gaze. “I got bored” I squeak, his eye are tender but, stern

“Must I tell you the definition of Bed rest?” He goes to his desk and sits down.

 “Can I just sit here with you?” I ask quietly, studying my hands.

 “Well, you’re not going anywhere else.” He grumbles, moving papers aside.

“Hayden?” I start softly, he looks up “Why must I stay here and what spell were you talking about?” he sighs running his hands through his hair; I stare at him with pleading eyes.

   “A witch roams the earth never dying, I lived many centuries ago.” No duh, four thousand years is how long. I snap my attention back to Hayden.  “I was a spoiled prince, I was rich, beautiful, and could have any girl I wanted.” He was still beautiful, shaking my head I focused once more. “She wasn’t ugly but, she wasn’t the prettiest. I decided to make her life hell and some things I did were very cruel, so she whispered a curse in my ear. Next thing I know I’m a vampire, I killed many dear friends. This is my curse for being a jerk; I don’t think I deserve this for all eternity but, theres only one way to break it.” I nod slowly, trying to comprehend what he’s saying. “This is where I come in?” I ask, gently.                                          He nods “A girl that can love me with my ugliest, a girl that can test my patients, I will learn self-control, patients, forgiveness, acceptances, and love from this girl.”

 I stare wild eyed at him, “Love?” I squeak I didn’t love him “I think you have the wrong girl.” I answer, my voice is anything but, bold.

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