Chapter 7

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“Ow!” Hayden roared crashing back. I had put so much force into my hand, when it flew up Hayden had been leaning over me and I punched him in the nose. “I’m so sorry!” I tried getting up but, I fell to the ground. Now Hayden and I were laying on the ground in pain. “I thought vampires were invincible?” I was taking deep breaths trying to regain control of my body. “We are, but I wasn’t expecting to be punched in the nose.” He chuckles lightly getting to his feet. A hand reached down and quickly pulled me to my feet. “Can you go more human speed?” I whine slightly, I was lifted so quickly that my head was spinning. “That wouldn’t be fun.” He smirked but, did go slower. His face darken instantly “Why did you try and run?” his voice was harsh, flinching “Because, who gets kidnapped and doesn’t try an run?” He didn’t look satisfied with my answer “If you run again, I’ll chain you up like a dog and walk you around on a leash.” His tone is deadly cold and I flinch again. “This is exactly why I ran.” I answer my voice wasn’t as cold and harsh as his. “What?” he looked confused, “You treating me like crap, I don’t like it.” I could see his face darken and his anger radiating off of him. “Like crap? Feeding you, letting you roam MY mansion, not making you a servant-” I cut him off “Slave.” He didn’t look too happy, “I treat you well and you say I don’t?” he was defiantly mad and I had to fight the urge to run “Right now! You’re talking to me like I’m beneath you. Thank-you for caring for me, but I don’t like you giving me all these rules!” I was exhausted from all this and sat down at the edge of the bed. “You barely have any rules RULE 1# don’t go outside. That’s all you have!” he was yelling and I guess in a way that was the only rule, I mean he let me do whatever I want as long as he was happy with it. “I can’t go do thing I use to, I have to eat with you. I have to do everything you say as soon as you say it.” My tone was weary and I felt sick “I’m sorry but you need to adjust.” He turns swiftly and leaves the room. 

        Ten minutes later I’m on the floor, kneeling. I was taking shallow breaths trying to force my nausea away. “Hayden.” It was a whisper and weak at that. I don’t think he heard me, no one had come to check on me and my body felt like it would break out in a seizure any minute.  I had seizures when I was younger as I got older they stopped accruing. “Evania.” Hayden had come in the room and was kneeling beside me, the anger was gone from his tone and worry had set in. I began to shake and had to take breathes slower, Hayden scooped me in his arms and held me tightly, my shaking was still going on but, it slowly grew distant. After it passed I lay exhausted against Hayden, I had no energy to push off him. “What happen?” Hayden had buried his head in my hair “I was close to having a seizure.” My voice was weak, I didn’t know how he could even hear me. “What causes them? Do you have them a lot?” I shake my head slightly “When I’m stressed or worried they can happen and I stopped having any for a few years.” I could feel him tense up “I’m sorry.” I knew he was apologizing for yelling at me, he thought it was his fault. Okay, I guess it was mainly his fault for stressing me out. “It’s okay.” I say patting his arm, leaning away from him. “Let me help you” in a flash he was in front of me helping me to my feet. I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be independent anymore. “The doctor I had come over said you should stay on bed rest for a week and if you must walk only for a little while” I can hear the worry in Hayden tone, I looked up surprised and in his eyes I saw kindness and caring “Why aren’t you always this nice?” I can’t help but ask, he looks surprised, and his eyes go back to his normal cold eyes “I don’t know what you mean.” His tone is gruff and I can feel my heart sink, “Hayden” I whisper, stopping in my tracks. He stops and turns to me “Yes?” he asks, his tone still cold “I didn’t mean to offend you, I liked you two minutes ago but, now you're being cold again.” I stare up at him; his eyes show the kindness again, smiling hesitantly. I reach up and stroke his cheek, just as suddenly as I did it, I jump back, almost falling over. Hayden quickly helps me regain my balance; his eyes are wild with an emotion I can’t quite understand. “Come on” he leads me to my room and helps me situate myself on my bed. I sit criss-cross applesauce, leaning against the headboard. Looking down at my lap, “Evania, make sure you don’t get up.” Hayden tone is soft but, he has authority in his voice that makes me nod. “Please don’t try and run away again, I couldn’t-” Without finishing his sentence he disappears, I mean just disappears. Probably a vampire trick, “I won’t” I whisper after he gone, I don’t think my body could handle it again. I don’t even try and ponder what he was going to say, in time he would tell me if he wanted to.

               Four hours later, lying on my bed. I stare at my ceiling, I had people check up on me but, it was getting quite boring in here. I feel fine, that’s my thought as I stand on wobbly legs. If I lie to myself long enough maybe it will come true. Making my way into the hallway, I stay against the wall to hold myself up. Hayden is going to kill me, that’s my other thought. The hallways are empty, I wonder where everybody gone. Of course I’m stuck here all alone while they do something interesting, I think bitterly. Reaching the dining room doors I get ready to open it when, I hear hushed tones. “Are you sure Hayden?” It’s a male voice “She fits the category and I just have a feeling.” I can hear Hayden deep voice respond. “A pretty face isn’t going to break the spell.” A different voice says angrily, a spell? What are they talking about? “You’ll see it’s her, how did you know Jackie was the right one?” I can hear Hayden again; my mind is so confused right now. “I just knew but, now she's gone. She couldn’t be the one.” The anger voice seems even more angry “In the spell it said we would have to learn self-control, the right girl will provoke you the most.” Hayden stops for a minute and they're nothing but, silence. I press harder against the door frame “Aghh!” I scream as the door hurls open and I crash to the floor “Evania!” I hear Hayden and then he there helping me up “I said to remain in your room.” I can hear the concern mixed with anger in his voice, I ignore him and scan the room. They're four other men, two look like twins both are short, thin, and have blonde hair. I notice one has emerald green eyes and the other has forest green eyes. Another man is tall, muscular, brown hair with the tips dyed red; his eyes are a dazzling red. He also looks very angry. The last one is Tall, muscular and has white hair. He stands like he owns the world and can do as he pleases. “Who are they?” I ask staring up at Hayden who is now scowling “Riley, James are the twins. Westin is the man with red hair and this is Roland.” Hayden says Roland as if he deserves great respect. I give a small wave and then look back up to Hayden “What spell?” Nobody looks surprised “None of your concern, you need to go back to your room.” Hayden growl slightly, crossing my arms over my chest “I will not, I deserve to know and I’m bored.” I hear a chuckle, “Brat are you bored?” Westin sneers, shocked I twist around to face him “Do not be rude” I growl back and he looks surprised “Watch your tone Missy or you might end up dead” Westin snickers. “Enough!” the guy named Roland booms and I can hear in his voice authority no one dares go against. My back stiffens when Hayden puts a firm hand on my back “Evania you will know soon enough of the spell, if you be so kind and let us finish are conversation. Hayden will bring you to your room.” I start to say something but, Hayden gives me a warning look and I snap my mouth shut. 

                  In my room I can feel Hayden glaring at me “What did you expect? I can’t stay in here for a week! It’s too boring.” I complain when I’m on my bed. “Do you want to die? If you continue to get up you will!” Hayden is yelling at me, “There no reason to yell!” I yell right back, “Will you just listen for once?” his voice ricashae of the walls, making me cringe “Stop yelling!” Normally I would cry from being yelled at but, my tears still refuse to come. “Will you let me go home? Will you let me do what I wish? No you won’t” I say angrily, but my voice is low. “I don’t have a choice, just get used to it.” The door slams making my bed shake from the force. Lying back on my bed, I let my mind slip back into horrible memories.

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