Chapter 5

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         “What are you doing?” I hear curiosity in Hayden’s voice. I was balanced on the back of a chair clinging to a shelf as I wiped the top, “Cleani-” my words were cut short when the weight of me turning tipped the chair and I was in Hayden’s arms. “You should be more careful” he smirks, setting me to my feet. “I’ll make sure to do that next time.” My heart was beating so hard I was sure he could hear it. “It’s lunch time.” He said still staring at me “What not going to scold me for doing your slaves work?” I say with sarcasm and I was curious why he hadn’t “No, you can do as you please as long as you do as I tell you.” We were walking down the halls that were very dark, the windows where all covered. “Yes sir” I say with a mock salute, which he scowls “New rule no making fun of me.” Rolling my eyes “I’ll be sure to add that to the rule list” I snicker, I can’t help myself. Around him, I feel more; well I’m not sure how I feel maybe Invincible? “You broke the rule already.” He says but, his voice is light and maybe even playful? “Oops!” I say back when we reach the dining room, the slaves were in a line waiting for us to sit and eat. It sadden me to see all them just standing there to watch us eat “Can’t they eat with us?” I don’t know how I managed to ask, the words just slipped out. He was staring at me and then his tone serious “No.” he took his seat and I stayed standing. “Sit.” He commands but I ignore him, “Arianna, can you help me with my plates?” I picked up two of my plates and Arianna stood still not moving “Arianna?” I ask again. “What are you doing?” Hayden tone was dead cold and I had to fight chills that ran up and down my spine “Eating with the slaves.” I spit the last word out making it sound harsh and cruel “You will not.” Instead of fighting him I sit my plates down “Then I will starve.” I state clearly, showing that one way or another I’d get my way.

 Half an hour later every slave is seated at the long table and I sit in my seat next to a scowling Hayden. The slaves fiddled with their food clearly nervous of what might happen if they take a bite. Sighing I set my fork down “If you do not eat, then I will not either.” I state to the slaves, considering Hayden has already almost finished his plate. “Eat!” I hear Hayden bellow, making everyone jump. Everybody slowly starts eating, picking up my fork I begin to eat as well. Even though Hayden finished he remains in his seat staring at me, I don’t look over at him. I continue to watch everyone else, if there was one person not eating then I would stop. Everybody was slowly eating probably scared Hayden would shove it down their throats if they didn’t, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.

“Will you leave?” I snap at Hayden, his staring was annoying and nobody was comfortable. He looked shocked and a little mad “Me?” he also looked confused “Yes no body is comfortable with you around.” I hear shocked gasp from the slaves “Is that true? Do I make you uncomfortable?” he shift his gaze to the slaves and then back to me. “No.” some say “Never.” Others say “See I don’t make them uncomfortable.” He said staring down at me “Fine.” I snap rising from my seat he does the same “I’m sorry.” I say sadly to the slaves, they were so scared of Hayden they couldn’t even speak freely. Turning on my heels, I leave the dining room “Why do I make you uncomfortable?” his question seems innocent, but he wants a weakness I know it. “Because your rude, arrogant, have no respect, my list goes on!” I scream in frustration. “I have respect for others! I haven’t killed you yet” he points his finger toward me before going on “You’ve been nothing but trouble and I have a mind to kill you! You disturb my servants and bring hell in my house! And I’m the rude one!” he had said everything so low but, it screamed in my ears. “You have kidnapped! You order me around and chained me up!” I had taken a step back with every step forward he made. “If I’m so cruel why aren’t you chained up now? Why are you roaming my mansion? Why are you getting meals?” I had no answers and my back pressed against the cool wall. Hayden leans toward me placing his hands by my sides so I couldn’t slip away. “Yet you haven’t cried a tear?” he whispers, his warm breath washes over my face. I don’t answer; I don’t know why I don’t cry. I wanted to but, where were my tears? My mind quickly goes to anger, how dare he say that I’m enjoying this! That evil, conniving, dirt- “You very beautiful when you’re mad.” My thoughts were cut off when I felt him pull on a strand of my hair. It didn’t hurt just made me focused on him, I remain silent, I could feel his warmth radiating off him. I thought vampires were cold? “I apologize for being rude, and your right I’ve been very disrespectful.” He says leaning closer until our faces are inches apart, “I forgive you.” I whisper, dazed from him so near. A smile slips on his lips and he slowly backs away, “Go eat.” He turns and disappears into the maze of hallways. Returning to the dining room I see the slaves hadn’t left or finished their food. As I sit down and take a bite, everybody began eating.

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