Chapter 6

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    I have been here one week and still haven’t been outside; we have grown into a pattern, eat breakfast with Hayden, clean something, eat lunch with Hayden, read a book until dinner, eat dinner with Hayden, go to my room and read some more until I get tired. Then do it all over again.

My eye’s dart open to the light shining in my room, I was thinking of the pattern and realized I hadn’t tried to get free. What’s wrong with me? I don’t want to stay here, I need to try and escape. Not yet, I told myself, I’ll wait for night when everyone is asleep.  Slowly getting out of my bed, I scan the dresses; yes I still had to wear dresses except at night. Hayden let me borrow a pair of his boxers and a long shirt. Deciding I was too tired to get dressed, I walk out into the hallway wearing my sleep clothes. “Miss? Why are you not dressed?” I turn to see a slave named Rena, “I’m just tired, he won’t mind.” I knew she was scared Hayden would be angry but, he was actually pretty decent once you got to know him.

 I walk into the dining room and everybody was taking their seats, now on everybody eats together. Smiling I walk to my seat, I can see Hayden watching me, his eye’s travelling my body. I can feel a blush start to creep up into my cheeks “You look good.” He says as I take my seat, “Thanks.” I say softly, his eyes were still on me. “Rena!” Hayden voice barks across the room and Rena jumps in her seat “You are to go buy, Evania some sleep attire.” Rena starts to get out of her seat “Rena sit.” My voice held authority that no one’s heard me use yet, it almost matched Hayden’s. She instantly sits and then realizes it was me “You need to eat first, and you.” I turn pointing my small finger at him; really I did have small hands. “Do not be so rude to them, they are not animals and have feelings, treat them with respect.” I don’t raise my voice and I can see shocked faces, everyone is waiting for Hayden to blow up. Staring into his eyes, he looks amused and there something else I can’t pinpoint. Sighing he looks over at Rena speaking in a softer tone “Rena you may eat and then go.” His words weren’t as nice as I would have liked but, he tried. Rena, who was still in shock, picked up her spoon and just sat there, smiling I watch Hayden who had brought his gaze back to me.  “Thank-you” I said softly were only he could hear me; he nods and turns to his food. Looking down I was surprised by a bowl of fruity pebbles, “You got me cereal?” I was surprised he remembered, “You said you wanted some.” His tone held no emotion and I decided just to eat.

 In my room, I finally take a shower and change into a short silver dress. It wasn’t my taste but, it’s all that I had at the moment. “Hayden!” I call while walking down the hall; I was running my hand on the wall while I searched for him. I wanted new clothing and to go outside, “Yes?” I scream and jump around, my heart beating fast I stare at Hayden “Are you trying to kill me?!” he smirks, “Of course not” he was amused, taking deep breaths I calm my racing heart “I want to ask something.” I say cautiously, “Yes?” he was standing two feet away from me, “Can I have something?” I wanted to draw him in, so maybe he accidently says yes. “Anything?” I didn’t realize I had been stepping back, now I was against a wall, and he had his hands by my shoulder, I was trapped. “Can I have new clothes?” I ask, he look surprised for a moment, “Why?” he ask, I can see his eyes roaming my body. “I can’t stand wearing dresses anymore, I mean they're lovely, but I just hate dresses-” His lips crash down on me, silencing my rambling. I stand paralyzed for a minute and suddenly, I jerk back, hitting my head on the wall and duck under his arm. He looks dazed for a minute and then looks at me confused. “I um-” I was bright red and my heart had picked up speed, “Don’t do that again” I say holding my hand out as if it would just glue him there. “You can have your wardrobe.” He was angry and started to leave “Hayden” my voice cracks but, my eyes are still dry. “It’s not you I-I’m just not good at that kind of thing” he looked hurt and angry still, ignoring me he disappears in a blink of an eye. My shoulders sag and I feel the urge to cry, but still no tears fall. Why can’t he just understand, if he knew everything about me he should know what happened 3 years ago- “Miss” my thoughts are cut off and I look up seeing Lily “Yes?” I answer sadly “Master wants me to help you shop.”

          Two hours later were on the computer and still have Hayden’s credit card. “We’re going to spend all his money” Lily giggles at me, I couldn’t stand spending so much money “Alright were done.” She laughs, closing the laptop “Can you return these to Master?” I see a glint of mischief in her eyes “Why?” I ask cautiously, she was up to something. “Oh I have things to do.” She doesn’t wait for my reply, we had eaten lunch and dinner was coming soon. Walking down the hallways, until I find Hayden’s study, I peek in and see him at his desk “Um-were done.” He looks up, smiling. But, I can still see earlier in his mind. “How much did you spend?” he asks when I set the laptop and credit card in front of him, my face was red with embarrassment “How much?” his tone is emotionless and I try not to cringe “$264.32 dollars.” I wait for him to roar in anger and do something, but he just nods.  “Dinner's ready.” Arianna stuck her head in and announced “You go I’ll be down later.” I hear, Hayden's voice. Sighing I leave the room and wish I told him why I didn’t like to be kissed, but that would be mortifying. “Miss, where are you going?” I was heading for my room, away from the dining room.” I’m not hungry tonight.” I say softly, hurrying and shutting my door. If Hayden came for me then I would go eat but, not right now.

    It was past dinner and Hayden hadn’t come for me, I knew everyone was asleep now. I was still in my dress and I was shoeless. Opening my door silently, I start making my way around until I found the front door. Unlocking the lock, I hold in my breath as it makes a “click” sound, it was deafening to my ears. Nobody came, slowly I open the door and a burst of cold air hits me, making me shiver. I silently step out and shut the door. My body was telling me to go inside to a warm house but, my mind said RUN! So I did run, I ran like my life depended on it, I ran like it was the last thing I would do. In reality, it might be the last thing I do.  “Where are you going?” I hear Hayden yell from behind me, I didn’t stop. How did he know I would leave? I ran, when I reached the woods, I tried to make sure I didn’t trip. I lost him! I was about to stop, screaming my arm flail around trying to catch myself, I had tripped over a log and fell into a ditch, my body hits with a “Thud” and the air knocked out of me, I felt blood at the back of my head and I was slowly losing consciousness.

“Evania” I hear someone whisper, it was so dark I couldn’t make out who it was, my head throbbed and my mind started to jumble up. I was lifted from the ground and I clung to the man for dear life, blackness started to consume me and soon I was lost into a black pit, I felt awake but, blind.

   Clouds I was on a cloud, I couldn’t see why couldn’t I see “Evania, wake up.” I could hear, the man’s voice, I remembered that his voice sounded like Hayden. “I’m awake!” I tried to let him know but, I couldn’t speak. What was wrong with me? “She may be in shock, it’s will hold her in a sleep until it wears off.” I hear another voice, maybe a doctor? “How long?” I could hear the worry in Hayden’s voice. “She wasn’t injured badly, but if it happens again. She’ll go into a coma for who knows how long.” A coma! I can’t be in a coma! I can hear everything, I’m awake. “She should wake up in the morning, she may be in stress so be careful, as you can see she is quite small and it’s a wonder how she didn’t get any broken bones.” I hear more words but, I just concentrate on moving my hand, I can’t. I’m blind and immobile.

“Evania” Hayden voice is so close “Yes?” I try to say but, I’m immobile “Was I so mean that you wanted to run away?” I try shaking my head but, I don’t move. “I guess you’re not the one.” The one what are you talking about “Maybe I should just disappear.” He starts rambling on, “Maybe it someone else, maybe I’m not good enough, Maybe I’ll just kill myself.” He sounded so sad “No!” I scream out loud but, am soon immobile again. There was a silence and I wish to desperately look at him “I’ll wait for morning.” That’s all I hear and for hours I sit immobile and unable to speak. I wasn’t in shock? I couldn’t be this was weirder.

I knew dawn was near, it was still black and I still couldn’t move but, I knew the sun was coming up. I could hear Hayden beside me , but he hadn’t made a sound since last night. I struggled to move and my hand flew up in the air.

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