Luminancent won't fuck off

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~~~Dream start~~~


Dead. Dead. Dead.

The house was filled with smoke and I was having trouble breathing. My mama and papa were nowhere to be found, but my sister Bianca was in front of me offering her hand. I took it and she started running, dragging me behind. Her brown hair in a tight braid shipping around behind her. She led me from my room down the stairs and out the front door.

As she let go of my hand, I turned to see our rustic home going up in flames. Bianca ran back into the house, but not before whispering in my ear"I'm going to get mama and papa, if I don't make it out-" "NO!!" I scream. "Let me go with you!" "Nico, Ti amo, per favore resta e promettimi che qualunque cosa accada, continuerai ad andare avanti." (I love you, please stay and promise me no matter what happens you'll keep going.) "Lo prometto" I say, watching her run back into the house. Suddenly the left house collapsed with a loud CRASH. "MAMA! PAPA! BIANCA!!!" I fall to my knees, sobbing. The other half the house went down. I kept screaming their names over and over until my throat was raw. They were gone.


Dead. Dead. Dead.

~~~Dream end~~~

I woke screaming and thrashing, tears running down my face. Calming down, I looked around. I was in an alley, where I had fallen asleep after my last battle with Luminescent. My powers always needed charging in a way. Find me after a fight and you'll have captured yourself a super villain. Some rest and a little bit of food though, and you won't get within ten feet of me.

My little alley had a dumpster and a chain link fence at the back seperating property. I stood, still a little off balance after the nightmare. I didn't have to go far though. I went deeper into the alley to avoid the daylight and found dark shadows. I smiled to myself. Shadows were always a comfort. I stepped into it and fell through.

I shadow travelled to the one place the heroes didn't know of, or didn't care enough to search it. My old home. I lived in its burnt remains and have maganged to preserve some photos. I emerged in the room with the only intact roof and walked out of it to a hallway.

The house was large. The front door lead immediately to the hallway I was in and went out in three directions from there. Because of the collapse, the house needed some foundation work, obviously. But I had cleaned up most the debris from the fire and was rather proud of myself for the clear hallway. I was down the left hallway and made my way forward to the right side of the hallway. While walking past the front door, I glanced out and saw a women walking her dog and a man eating a bagel, sitting on a bench.

I walked quickly to avoid being seen through the holes in the walls. I passed 4 doors and entered the 5th. Now, I don't think I've mentioned the obvious: I'm the only one who lives here. So when I saw a blond haired boy standing over my sleeping bag and holding one of my photos in his hands, I panicked. I made a little squeaky noise. Smooth Nico, real smooth. The boy turned. Ah, shit. It actually was Luminescent. His striking blue eyes stood out against his white clothing. He was in what he usually fought in: a white button up shirt with seams of gold. His slacks were just plain black. And to be completely honest, he looked hot. Wait hold up! He's enemy number one! Stop it brain! Before I could something smart like "wrong room, sorry," he said "Specter?"

"What the hell are you doing here Luminescent?" I spat out his name with all my hate.

"I was just looking around. I didn't know this was your place." He sounded genuinely interested.

"Well it is and I'm not in the mood for a fight, so leave." I really didn't want to ruin my old home anymore than it already was by clashing with Luminescent.

The blond clicked his tongue. "I'm afraid I can't do that,  death boy"

I spluttered. "Did you just- what the hell did you call me-!?"

In my confusion, Luminescent took his chance. He lunged towards me and placed a palm on my forehead. My eyelids began to droop and I felt incredibly tired. Stupid cute blond heroes with their stupid powers.

The last thing I heard was: "I'm sorry Specter. You probably don't believe me, but-"

"I truly am."


Hope that was an ok first chapter. I've been doing some editing so it should have at least improved a little bit.

Have a wonderful day/night

Word count: 818

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