Kasen looked up from the road ahead of her looking in the mirror above her to check on her two kids. She smiled seeing Aire in a deep sleep in a big fuzzy coat, her eyes then shifted to Stormi who was sitting quietly looking out the window.
"are you excited baby?" Kasen asked fixing her eyes back onto the road. Stormi smiled and nodded her head letting out a quiet hum. This was going to be the first time Stormi would go on stage with Travis.
Kasen was extremally nervous she didn't want to put Stormi in any danger and anything could happen if she was on stage. The only thing comforting her was that Travis would be right by Stormi's side the whole time, that and that she would have a harness on.
Kasen pulls into the stadiums back parking lot unbuckling her seat belt and getting out of her SUV. She opens the car door on the side where Aire was and carefully picked him up since he was still asleep.
Putting him on her hip she closes the door and opens the door for Stormi. She hops out of the car and grabs onto Kasen's hand while they make their way to the door where Travis's security was.
"thank you," Kasen said walking in and heading to his room. Once the three made it to the room Kasen put Aire into his baby carrier and set it on the rocker. "mama, where's daddy?" Stormi asks while looking around the dressing room.
Kasen sat on the couch holding her arms open for Stormi to sit on her lap. Stormi walked over and fell into her lap. "He's rehearsing storm, he'll be here in a couple minute's."
Just as she said that, Travis walks in with a huge smile on his face. Stormi laughs and gets up off of Kasen and runs to him. Kasen smiles once he picks her up and swings her in the air.
Her eyes scan over him seeing the slight sweat on his forehead and the smile overtaking his face while talking with Stormi. "Ma, Reece is gonna take Storms and test out the set," Travis said looking over at his girlfriend seated on the couch.
Kasen nodding while yawning seeing Reece walk in. Travis took another look at Kasen before giving Stormi to Reece, "I'll be there in a minute." he said to him making him nod.
Travis walked over to the couch sitting next to her pulling her into his lap, "You good baby?" Kasen wrapped her arms around his neck humming, "Yea I'm just jet lagged." Travis nodded and tightened his grip on her waist. He took off his beanie putting it over her head, "ew your all sweaty."
He lifted up her chin with his hand kissing her. Kasen hummed into the kiss and lifted up straddling him. "How's my little man?" He asked but it came out muffled since his head was in her neck. Kasen giggled and lifted her head up, "He's been sleeping all day."
Travis smiles and kisses her neck checking the time, "I gotta go I'll see you later."
"You ready Aire! You ready Stormi!" Kasen asks playing with Aire as they head out to join the concert to see the last half part. Aire smiles and laughs as she tickles him.
Kasen walked out of the dressing room with Aire on her hip and holding Stormi's hand. She walked into the VIP section with Aire babbling about nothing while Stormi observed.
After a couple songs had been played Travis went off the stage. "Stormi you ready? Daddy's gonna come and get you," Stormi looked up at her mom standing close to her.
Seeing her eyes get sad Kasen frowned and sat Aire on the couch. Kasen bent down and said, "What's wrong Storms?" Stormi whined and fell into her arms, "I'm scared." She said making Kasen's heart hurt, "It's okay baby. Daddy's gonna be right besides you the whole time. Aire and I will be watching you."
Not hearing a response Kasen sighs and picks her up taking her over to the couch. Aire falls onto her lap making her smile before turning her attention back onto Stormi. "Its okay Storms," She says rubbing her back.
Travis walks in seeing his family all on the couch. Kasen had her eyes close and head thrown back onto the pillow. He smiled seeing his beanie that was still on her head. He walked over and took Aire into his arms tickling his stomach. "Baby is Stormi ready?"
"Yea but she's scared." Kasen said lifting her head. "Storms, I'll be right there besides you the whole time. You'll be harnessed in, and momma will be watching and be close by." He explained to her.
Stormi nodded and held her arms up. The two swapped kids and Travis stood up with her on his back. Travis leaned down and kissed Kasen, "Ill see you out there" She smiled and nodded standing up to get Aire ready.
"Let's go baby!" He screams