Party Time? (Chapter 2)

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     Tori is speechless. After a quick glance at the chaos, he quickly follows suit. What did I get myself into? He mumbles to himself. Mr. Brookes opens the upper door, and walks across the pub. Auston holds the door open for Tori then shuts it. The three men walk up the basement stairs, and into the bar room.

     "Hello Alfred." Mr. Brookes walks up to the bar. "I'm going out for the gathering, and I'm taking Auston and Tori with me. Dani is in charge, so please make sure the other two don't burn down my Pub, or cause Dani to lose it."

     "Yes Sir." Alfred nods. A snore disrupts the conversation. Mr. Brookes looks over to see the same man sleeping. Alfred side-eyes the man, and snorts. "Stupid hoonigan." he mutters under his breath.

     "What is he doing here? I didn't know I bought a hotel, as well as a bar," asks Mr. Brookes.

     "Well Sir, I tried to get him to leave, but he wont listen," As the old bartender was talking, Mr. Brookes reaches behind the bar and grabs an unopened bottle of whisky. Alfred had his head up, and eyes closed as he complained about the man with Auston snickering. "He keeps sneaking more beer from behind the bar, without me noticing."

     Auston and Tori watch intently as Mr. Brookes walks over to the sleeping man, opens the whisky; and with smirking eyes and graceful movement, pours the whole bottle on the man's head, while humming quietly.

     The man jerks awake.

     "Hey! mhat's the big idea? hmm" The musty man grumbles, wiping his face as he sits up. "masting mhisky like that, not good of y-'' He looks down, and more

     Mr. Brookes cuts him off, walking to the other side of the table.

     "Well, I just wasted 15 whiskey bottles on you. So," He slams a rag on the table, making the man jump. "You can start working for the beer that you, so happily, drank, and also for all the others you will, most likely, inhale." Mr. Brookes smiles. Tori stares at Him in disbelief. Well isn't he a character.

     Turning back to Alfred he adds, "Make sure to give him a lot of work. Starting by cleaning the bathrooms. Those things are starting to smell like cat piss every time I walk by. Then have him wash the windows, Mop the floors, and clean the closet. After that have him help you by taking that damn dance table out. Along with the poles, and couch. After all that, give him a bonus of ..." Mr. Brookes looked at the man, who was very confused. "100 dollars, and if he does a good job, add another 50." The man jumps up, his eyes wide. Mr. Brooks smiles. "Your starting pay is $24 an hour, after you buy those whisky bottles."

     Mr. Brooks heads to the front entrance. Tori follows the man, completely taken back by how he reacted. Auston leaves ahead of the other two,

     "Well sir, have a good trip." Alfred says, as he walks to a cupboard.

     "Will do, Alfred." He waves over his shoulder. "Oh and another thing..." Mr. Brookes pauses, and gestures toward the man, who was dazed by the sudden job offer.

     "It's John." He stammers, knocking his hat off.

     "Yes, John. If I hear you drink anymore while you are working here." Mr. Brookes made a motion with his hands, and John gulped.

     "Alrighty, Let's go Tori." says Mr. Brookes. He opens the front door and heads up the steps. Tori follows behind, leaving the man to Alfreds mercy.

     Mr. Brookes and Tori stand outside the bar. Auston walks down the sidewalk, and turns the corner. Mr. Brookes faces Tori and reaches into his coat pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2024 ⏰

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