Chapter 2: Sorry mom, just testing my sexuality

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Random, but my whole life is kinda random, am I the only one who thinks Dunyuzard x Dehya is as good as Candace x Dehya???

Kazuha's POV:

« and then one day, someone walks into your life, a total stranger, and they become so fucking important to you. And while you have known them for such a short time, you feel like you have loved them for a lifetime... »

I wrote down the date of today next to my poem. People always ask me why I'm single. It's because this person became to me what they were in the first place. 'Strangers.'


I sniffled my tears on my pillow. Just strangers.


Scaramouche's POV:

"Pst! Ga Ming! Are you awake???" I murmured in his ear. "I am now, you fucker! Letting you sleep over was such a bad idea..." I glared at him as he sat on his bed. "What?" He whispered back. "You wanna go to the park?" "Scara, no offence, but it's 4 am, we just went to sleep and I need my sleep for tomorrow. You know damn well we have our job tomorrow!" I rolled my eyes. "C'mon! You're no fun! Plus, I really want to smoke, and you're aware Amber would kill us if she founded our we did that."

He sighed in defeat. "Let me get myself dressed..." I smiled happily as I walked out of the room, leading myself on his bedroom's balcony. I took my bag, who was waiting there and putted on my indigo hoodie. The door slowly opened and I saw Ga Ming in a regular outfit. "Why are you staring??" "Nah, I'm just realizing how short you are..." I scoffed. "BITCH— YOU'RE NOT EVEN THAT MUCH TA—" I grabbed his chin and pinned him to the brick wall, putting my hand on his mouth. "Jat— yhe!" I looked at him with a serious face. (Ik they act gay but guys, it's no homo. + they have socks on.)

He looked over his shoulder and saw Amber and Eula opening his bedroom door. "Where are they?" Asked Eula. "Maybe they went for a walk..." she scoffed. "I'll ask him later babe, let's just go to sleep..." whined Ga Ming's sister, kissing her girlfriend's cheek. "I swore I heard someone screaming thought..." Amber pounded. "Eula, baby, you may have heard wrong... c'mon, im tired!" Eula sighed as she embraced the brown haired girl. Ew... They finally let Ga Ming's room and I let go off him. "Dude! What if they went to check on the balcony?! How am I suppose to explain that?!" "We'll just tell them we were testing our sexuality."

"Are you serious." He sighed when he was meet with my silence. I jumped from the balcony to the tree house Ga Ming and I used to play in when we were younger. I got in the slide and peacefully landed on the ground. Ga Ming was right behind me and we started walking to the closest park. The walk was filled with a dense silence, neither of us knowing what to talk about.

When we arrived, we both sat down on a swing and I lighted myself a cigarette. "What about me?" He teasingly said. I gave him a cigarette and he glared at me. "Can I have the lighter, bitch?" I smirked and got up from the swing. He looked puzzled when I got on my knees and went closer to him, my cigarette in my mouth. "Put yours in your mouth." I said. He rolled his eyes, damn well knowing what I was going to do. I brought my mouth closer to his, just enough so that my cigarette would fire his. He hit the back of my head as I chuckled.

I went back on my swing, slowly losing myself to the feeling the joint gave me. "You know Scara, if you had a boyfriend and you'd do this, he'd be hard." (Foreshadowing ☠️) I laughed at him. "Is this a way to tell me you're hard?" "What the fuck— of course not." I started laughing and he joined me. "Man, what makes you think I'd want a boyfriend and not a girlfriend?" I suddenly question.

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