Chapter One

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Good day to you, my name is Clara I am twenty five years old, and I live in a kingdom called Amora. Amora is a beautiful and elegant place. The beauty exceeds expectations with the picturesque landscapes. The perfect proportion of land and sea with castles and other magical places. It was truly a fairy tale. My family choose to stay hidden away. My father is a farmer, and my mother stays at home as a stay at home mother/ wife. We are a magicless kingdom it was banned due to all the negative impacts and threats it imposed on our kingdom or should I be more specific and say our King.

However, I am a sorcerer it is apparent in our bloodline. When my mother and father had me, they prayed that I would not bare the curse of magic. They believed it was a burden as those who did not have magic were terrified of it and would do anything to destroy it.  When I turned ten, I was walking with my mother around the cold forest looking for fresh mushrooms to take home for supper. I found a tree, a beautiful, natural green tree that had branches off branches as it stretched so high it almost touched the sky.  I stared at the tree admiring it as I waited for my mother to finish picking the wild mushrooms she found. Suddenly the tree started to spawn fresh fruit. Starting as a small seed and then phasing into an Apple. Fresh green apples just from me staring at it.

My mother runs over and touches my shoulder comforting me. "We will get through this together." "I will not let them hurt you, my Clara." She says with all her breath like it had been ripped from her lungs. I could see she was dreading this moment but, that is all she said as she walks to the large tree and picks the newly grown apples off it placing it in her brown thatched basket.

I have been terrified to use magic ever since. My mother does not crave for others to know of my existence, and this is why I do not make myself known my mother keeps me in the house to ensure that I am kept safe. Although I do tend to break her rules taking my hood and hiding in the main square where I perform for the children of Amora. I had a passion for singing and this brightened their day. If my mother or father knew they would never trust me again. Most likely keep me prisoner and this was not in a vindictive way. Our king would have me killed if he had any suspicions of magic, he was that threatened by it.

I smile at my mother as I watch her fold the newly dry clothes neatly placing them onto the light brown wooden rectangle table. She smiles back kindly "Clara." She says as she holds fathers' trousers in the air folding them to avoid any chance of creases. I walk over to her and lean on the side of the table "Mother I have a question?" She frowns and I can see in her head she is already planning her response. "Surely being the age of twenty-five I am capable of protecting myself against the odds..." I say with no remorse. I was becoming slightly frustrated on having to fight for my freedom.

I watch her perfectly beating heart break in front of me like I had just shoved a sword through it and chopped it aggressively into small pieces. She sighs preparing to respond "Clara we have discussed this someone as special as you..." "This is no place for you..." "We are not welcomed here by any..." she bows her head.

"But mother how can you make such assumptions when you have not embraced the new kingdom..."  "It could have all changed but, due to fear you stay inside cooped up..."  "Like" "Like a prisoner!" I say trying to understand the place she is coming from but, I could not. "Clara we will discuss this another time." She says sternly as if she was dismissing me and my overwhelming feelings.  I cannot help myself I remove myself from the situation and the failing conversation. It was a battle I foreseen to lose..."

I move over to the wooden chair where my hooded cloak is draped over and pick it up. We had to be extremely careful with the chair as one of the legs became unsteady. It would wobble all the time had no balance. I notice that mother has not cleaned the dirty dishes from the night before. This can only mean one thing she has not fetched the water. I see this as a chance to explore and take it. "Can I at least go and get some fresh water for the dishes?" I ask kindly. She smiles "Fine Clara water only but you are to come straight back..."  "No exceptions..." She says giving me some leeway but setting the ground rules. I place my cloak around my body and push my hood up around my brunette hair. My cloak was a deep dark envious green that matched my piercing green eyes that could lure sailors to their death they were so mesmerising.  "I mean it Clara do not disobey me..." She speaks. Chastised I force a smile and open the wooden door closing it gently behind me. I keep replaying the image of her face dropping with fear as I left the house. It was abundantly clear she did not want me to go. The thought of losing her only daughter frightened her to the depths of her soul.

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