Chapter Twenty

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I arrive at the hall early to ensure I do not miss any of the knighting ceremony. I walk through the double doors and glance at Sir David, Sir Henry, and Sir Bartholomew. They smile upon me as they lift a lead cups. I watch Sir Henry as he looks to the side pulling face at me. I look to my right and see Louis. His arm wrapped in white cloth which is turning into a shade of pink. He had a dark blue shirt on and his gold crown. He smiles upon me. I refuse to smile at him, I was hurt by him not listening to me.

"You seem annoyed..." He says softly. I frown at him "Of course Louis, I told you he was possessed, and you did not listen." I say angrily. I roll my eyes at him. He places his uninjured arm on my shoulder and smiles upon me "I guess I have the rain to thank for that..." I frown at him "The rain?" I ask him as a question. He glances to the ground focusing "Call me insane but, I think the rain took him out of his trance." I bite my lip "What makes you think that." He smiles upon me "Between me and you I was prepared to die..." "Then the rain started, and Theus changed..."

"I am sure that is just an assumption Louis." I say trying to move on from this conversation. He changes his tone and speaks quietly "I think someone was looking out for me." I smile upon him "Or it just happened to rain?" I say to him. He rolls his eyes "Suppose you are right." "However, this event should show you just how dangerous magic is Clara..." He says looking around to make sure we has no unwanted listeners.

I look around the room and can see the King's throne based at the back of the room with two other thrones for Arthur and Louis. The thrones were wooden and carved perfectly with a polished shine to them. There was a red carpet that trailed all the way from the thrones to the front door. Either side of the red the knights stand proudly dressed in their chain mail and belt scabbards. They have a red and blue cloak which has the kingdoms crest sewn to the right arm of the cape. The Kingdom crest flag is hanging on the wall displayed confidently and powerfully for anyone to see. The room was large, and I could feel the loneliness and emptiness. Theus's father would be so proud.

I see the King stand from his throne he claps his hands together. The doors open and Theus enters. I see him in his chain mail with no crest to represent, he walks slowly and carefully. He avoids eye contact with everyone but the king. He walks through the middle of the knights. I can see them smiling at him.

Arthur passes Alexander the sword. the sword was gold and silver has beautiful engravings on the face of the sword almost looked like a foreign language. "On your knee Utheus!" The King commands him as he stands waiting for it. I watch next to Louis as we both witness this moment.

"DO YOU PROMISE TO PROTECT AMORA WITH YOUR LIFE!" The King asks him. Utheus keeps a straight face "I do..."


"I do."

The king places the sword gently on Theus's left shoulder and then his right. We all wait in anticipation. A tear starts to brew in my eye as I watch my best friend become what he has always wanted.


Utheus stands tall and confidently, I watch his face as he glances meets mine. A smile breaks through his straight face. I place my thumbs up showing him I am proud. The knights applaud him I could see they were all pleased with the decision.

"Please all enjoy tonight welcome Utheus to the knighthood of Amora." The King says as he walks away with Arthur, he seemed stressed like something was on his mind. The knights rush Theus tapping him on the shoulder and congratulating him. Theus places his index finger up as if to say one moment. He strolls over to me with a newfound confidence. "Hello my lady..." He says as he cannot contain his excitement. "Well hello SIR UTHEUS knight of Amora!!" I shout at him as we joke around.

"Your father would be so proud Theus." He smiles upon me "A man can only hope." I could feel the pride radiating off of him. I could tell he was trying his hardest to prove himself.  I smile upon him. "CLARA AS MUCH AS YOU LOOK LIKE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT TIME, WE NEED OUR NEW KNIGHT TO EARN HIS PLACE!" Sir Henry shouts as they drag Theus away towards the Ale. They pass him a lead cup and force him to drink cheering each other and laughing upon one another. It truly was a brotherhood they looked after each other and I knew they were going to treat Theus like one of their own. I laugh through my nose and smile to myself. I take a deep breath and stand on my own admiring the moment. "I am sorry Clara." Louis says gently in my ear. I try to hide that it made me smile but, the slight inward turn in my cheeks gave it away.

"All I ask is that you listen next time..." "You..." "You could have died..." I say frustrated at him and his actions. "Is that the reason you kissed me?" He asks him out in the open. I widen my eyes and shush him. "Louis be careful..." He frowns "Answer the question..." He says. The truth is of course it was not the only reason I kissed him but, I could not be selfish being told Louis was my undoing changed everything. "I cannot answer that." I say gently.

I glance to the door and recognise it was Charlotte. "Stay here, I need a moment..." I say to Louis as I walk off without acknowledging his response. I scurry out of the door and follow her quietly up the corridor. The comment she made regarding the battle being one to remember it did not sit right with me. Hanging around like a bad smell in my mind. I hide behind a pillar in the castle. "I am trying..." A faint voice says softly.

"YOU ARE NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH!" Another voice shouts aggressively. The shiver run down my spine, the unknown scared me.  I continue to listen as hard as I can trying to decipher every word said. "I will appease you..." Charlotte says. I could hear the shakiness in her voice whoever she was speaking with they terrified her. I hear her waling back up the hallway her footsteps echoing throughout the castle. I continue to hide I could not risk her finding out I was eavesdropping.

I walk back towards the hall hoping Charlotte did not become suspicious of my disappearance. I arrive back and hall and I am pulled to the side by Theus. "Clara..." "Charlotte told me that Louis needs to see you urgently!" I widen my eyes and concern hits my face. That is, it I had been hiding myself for too long with Louis. I needed to give him his best chance at surviving Ambrose and his awful attacks.

I have to tell him; I am going to be honest about everything this niggling thought in the back of my head needed to be silenced. 

"CLARA" Arthur shouts towards me he looks serious. I run to him "Yes my Lord?" I ask him gently. He shakes his head and takes my arm pulling me to the doors. I see Charlotte she looks unwell, he face drooping turning a bright shade of white. I place my hand on his head and it is ice cold. "She has been cursed Clara..." Arthur says gently. I frown at him "I can see that..." "Charlotte what happened?" I ask her taking everything she says with a pinch of salt. 

She looks frightened "Please Clara you have to help me." She says almost as if she was begging for her life. Her eyes fill with tears, she blinks at me and one is set free down her cheek. "I cannot die Clara." Charlotte says. "It's the frost bite curse... someone of powerful sorcery must have cursed me... for what reason I do not know..." 

Although I was unsure to what I heard in the corridor apart of me was still human. I take her freezing, ice cold hand and hold it tightly "I will do my best." I smile upon her and she smiles upon me back "I heard stories of a herbalist that lives out in the forest just past the Dragonate Kingdom. I nod to her "Then I shall start there." Arthur takes hold of my arm "You will do no such thing... that is days of walking..." "Those parts are treacherous... I will not allow it." I shake my head at him. 

He then places his hand on my cheek "You must allow me to go with you... This or you do not go at all..." I watch Charlotte as she starts to weep again "Please Clara... I am scared..." She says softly like a child. I nod my head at Arthur "We set at dawn..." I say gently as I walk away from them. 

I had an inkling that whoever Charlotte was conflicting with in the corridor was the culprit for the curse.  

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