Chapter Thirty Nine

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I follow Louis's every step as he guides us through the forest, I struggled to keep with his pace as I was much smaller than him. Every so often he would glance back at me. The glances were both reassuring and enigmatic. His cheeks lifting each time as a smirk appears across his face, left me wondering what secrets he held.

As we reach the open clearing of frees, a cave looms ahead, its gaping mouth beckoning us to enter. Louis turns to face me, his blue eyes sparkling and large hand extended, hope and worry etched in his eyes. I hesitate torn between the caution and curiosity but, I take his hand and step into the unknown with him.

The cave was enveloped in darkness and mystery, but Louis moved with unwavering confidence. Almost as if he had been here before and memorised the path. His steps echoed against the rough walls, each footfall a testament to his familiarity with this hidden place. I follow him, my free hand brushing the cool stone, wondering what secrets lay ahead.

We come to the end of the cave; the caves darkness seemed to hold its breath. Louis rapidly turns to face me. Louis's voice a gentle whisper, sent shivers down my spine. "You trust me?" he asked, and I sensed the curve of his smile even in the absence of light. "Always," I replied, my heart racing. "The close your eyes." He says, my heart jumps and my pulse begins to hammer against my neck. I adhere to his command and close my eyes, feeling his hand draw me closer until the delicate skin of my eyelids yielded with a flood of light.

"Open them," he says. I open my eyes and I was immediately mesmerised. We were now outside of the cave and the floor was covered in white snow. I look up to the sky and snow falls beautifully. I feel the snowflakes falling onto my eyelashes as I enjoy the cold sensation. There are trees everywhere covered in snow.

"Wow," I say gently as I smile upon Louis. "I have never seen snow before." He smiles upon me, "Beautiful isn't it," he says under his breath admiring my excitement.

"Open them," he says his words echoing in my ears, and as I open my eyes, the world transformed. We were stood outside of the cave, surrounded by a right white blanket of snow. Each snowflake dancing its way from the sky, settling gently on my eyelashes. The freezing air nipped at my cheeks and nose, but I was too fascinated to notice. I was truly captivated by the beautiful winter wonderland around me.

The place has one big tree, the tree branches laden with snow, stood like a silent sentinel. Could have sworn I heard the tree whisper to me as the snowflakes fell. The leaves crystalised in shimmering ice, it was magical. I hold my palm out and a snowflake falls onto it. I find myself mesmerised by the delicate structure.

I find Louis's gaze, he watches me, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He speaks "Beautiful, isn't it?" Each time he spoke his breath formed small white clouds in the chilled air. I could tell from his tone he was just as fascinated as me as if he had never seen anything quite like this.

I nod upon him, unable to tear my gaze away from the scene. "It does not feel real," I replied. "It's peaceful, even the smallest details are enchanting."

Louis smiles upon me. "You are right," he says, "When I discovered this place, I knew I had to take you here." We continue to walk through the snow, our footprints leaving temporary marks. "Please enlighten me, how it can be snowing here but, not on the other side of the cave."

Louis smiles upon me chuckling through his sentence. "Magic?" He says it with a grin on his face and he was right this was truly magical and enchanting. Louis extends his hand, inviting me to explore further. "Shall we?" he asked.

I smile my heart light as it flutters at his stare. "Absolutely," I said.

The snow crunches beneath our feet as he walk. He pulls me closer to the lone standing tree. Louis touches the trunk of the tree gently. "Normally magic would strike fear in my heart," he says sighing at the thought. "After my father's views that is." I smile upon him I could see he was being vulnerable. The snow glowing so brightly enhancing all his features and now his eyes were an even deeper blue.

"And yet you show no fear?" I say gently, my voice barely a whisper. The air pulses with magic, leaves rustling in anticipation. He smiles upon me, his deep blue eyes holding secrets. "You could say that," he pauses, drawing out the moment, "someone wise once told me that not all magic is to be feared." His words hang in the cold air, like the snowflakes falling onto the ground.

I smile upon him, heart fluttering. We stand beneath the ancient tree, its branches reaching so high it almost touched the cave ceiling. Louis's gaze locks into mine, and I feel the pull of destiny. His hand brushes against my cheek, his skin felt so good on mine. "And just when I think it's not possible for you to be even more beautiful," he murmurs, his lips a breath away from mine. He pushes the escaped strand of hair behind my ear, "you prove me wrong."

The world faces away, leaving only us. He pushes his lips against mine gently, warm and tender. Our breaths mingle, hearts racing. But then, an unexpected sensation, a soft rustling. Louis reaches for a branch, shaking it gently. Snow cascades down, dusting our hair with a delicate crown. Our kiss ends, but the magic lingers. Louis was not magical and somehow even after everything I had seen and witnessed this was by far the most magic, I have felt. It was almost as if this moment was frozen in time, a magical memory I would never forget.

In that moment, the emotions I felt for him collided like the Amora waves crashing against the shore. The invisible string pulling us together, that pull of desire, the heartache of longing. It was all there, the atmosphere and air around consumed by it. It was written all over our faces.

I push my lips together, to contain the words I wanted to say but knew I couldn't. My heat beat syncs with the rhythm of his gaze. It felt like a dream being here with him right now, but reality slowly made its way back, caught in a delicate dance of what could be and what could never be.

Louis the forbidden fruit, the unattainable. My destiny was to protect Arthur, I was tethered to my destiny and honour. Arthur was a good man, kind, honourable and noble but for some reason Louis lingers like a shadow over my heart. I feel a sour ache in my chest.

I could see in Louis's eyes we were dancing on a thin line torn between what is and what if. "Thank you," I say gently touching his cheek, the sparkle in his blue eyes dull as he knew that this... this could never be.

"My lady," he murmured softly, a secret shared between us and the ancient tree. The snowflakes falling on us watching it unfold. He extends his hand towards me, and I accept it. The weight of my destiny and the worry of Arthur pressed against my conscience. I wanted to return back to him but, Louis held my attention. "Louis," I said my voice gentle, "Wait." He halts to a stop and turns around to face me. his lips pursed, brown furrowing.

I open my mouth to speak but my mind is taken over by Araizas's command echoing, repeating in my mind: "Louis can never know your true feelings." Stuck in fear that if I told him the truth, revealed the feelings I had buried so deep. Would this endanger him? A risk I was not willing to take. I force a smile, "Nothing." Louis nods upon me, but his eyes were overflowing with exhaustion, hurt and inner conflict. A burden he bore silently. 

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