How You Start Dating

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Tony is the one to ask you out. Ever since you became his assistant there had been attempt after attempt after attempt after-...well, you get the point. After everytime he would ask to go on a date with you, you would turn him down and tell him he was being unprofessional. In reality you just didn't want to open up your heart to another person after previous experiences but you began falling for him, which you were trying to avoid. You began distancing yourself from him to lose feelings, but this only made him more determined to date you. He noticed what you were doing and confronted you about it and when you denied it, he simply told you to meet him in his office at the end of your working day. You assumed he would be firing you but he was actually sitting you down to ask what was going on and eventually you let your walls down and explained why you declined all of his date offers. You also let slip that you had developed feelings and he pretends not to notice until the end of your vent/rant. Once you had finished he walked over to his desk and made a call to his assistant (you) and asked 'would you be so kind as to make a reservation at [insert restaurant]...and wear something nice'. This makes you chuckle as you're sitting on the couch and wiping a tear off your face, as he walks over and attempts to kiss you, which this time you can't help but want to lean you do just that. He then later asked to make you his girlfriend/boyfriend at dinner that night and you accepted the offer happily.


You are the one to ask Steve out. You were working alongside Howard Stark to make an upgraded version of Steve's Captain America suit. You had excellent textiles and fashion knowledge so you were left in charge to alter the design and Howard was in charge of the practicality and function. You were sitting in an empty field with a lake that was a ten minute walk or so away from the camp. You sat by the lake and were working on designs for Steve's suit when you suddenly felt strong hands gently holding your shoulders. It was Steve. You immediately shut the book and cover your face and he just laughs so you retaliate by punching his arm when he sat down next to you. He asked to see what you were drawing and you looked at him nervously, shaking your head and feeling embarrassed. In response to you saying no, he lunges forward and tackles you and begins tickling you which causes you both to start laughing like giddy teenagers. After lots of begging for him to cease it, he ends up on top of you and before you can even think, you grab his face and kiss him. Thankfully, he kisses back and he holds you gently for a moment before asking to see the drawings. You scoff at him but nod and say only if he becomes your boyfriend and he quickly nods his head and kisses you again before snatching your sketchbook and looking through it with you.


Natasha is the one to ask you out. She was very blunt and straightforward about it and that was what you loved about her so much. As the two of you are getting ready to go on a mission, she pulls you aside and she tells you that she wants you to stay safe so she can take you on a date. You had agreed before you could even comprehend what she had said to you. Once it sunk in what she had said you couldn't help but feel nervous around her the entire time you were on the mission. You almost didn't survive due to how distracted you were by her. You were sent to the hospital wing once you had gotten home from the mission and Natasha came to visit you almost immediately and she began scolding you and asking what was going on. You tell her that you were so taken aback by the fact that she had asked you out and she just rolls her eyes and moves over to the bed to hold your hand and she then begins to tell you how much you meant to her and how much she wanted you in her life. You listened carefully and when she finished pouring her feelings out to you, you pulled her into a hug and told her that you felt the same. She then kisses you and tells you that she would be taking you on a date the next day and then she walks out of the room leaving you flustered and practically speechless.

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