girl idk what to put here

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hey guys skip to the next chapter for the story or yk you could hang around here for a sec (before you start reading i write differently to how i talk normally so don't worry and don't expect the whole thing to be basically illiterate and full of slang😭)

ANYWAY firstly i'd like to make clear that i am in fact an english girl so im super duper sorry if any of my local lingo slips in but just like correct me? bitte? danke🤞

also like i have auto caps turned off so if i miss a capital letter i deeply DEEPLY apologise because it fucks me off too don't worry you're not alone so again correct me 😭

anyway i appreciate any and all constructive criticism but try not to be mean?

oh yeah also at the time of starting this i'm a week away from doing a full set of mocks and i have GCSE's soon so like if i don't update as regularly as you'd prefer just be patient w it 😭

and again i'll probably make mistakes along the way because people aren't perfect but i did get almost full marks on my language paper 1 and 2 question 5 so it'll be decent okay😔💔💔💔

and if you can't already tell at the time of starting this i'm a 15 almost 16 yr old girl so if i do smut girl idfk i'm not a harlot i'll do my best but i'm not writing from experience

some criminal minds episodes may feature buttt when they do cases i'll try to forge somet up in my mind so like

this starts just after Spencer was kidnapped by Tobias and during his drug addiction so there will be some reference to addiction so i urge to you exit now if that will cause problems for you. do not force yourself to continue if you don't think you can

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