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Elodie Miller stood staring at the slightly battered doors of the elevator, her heart beating a rhythm into her throat. Her hands shook at her side as she repeatedly clenched and unclenched them as she felt how her nails left little crescent shaped indents in her palms. Behind her, the ticking clock reminded her of the impending possibility she'd be late for her first day.

With a deep sigh, she leant forwards slightly, pressing in the cool silver button to bring the lift down. Her heeled foot tapped against the floor, the noise echoing off the walls. After an eternity of waiting, the doors pinged open and she stepped inside.

Within a matter of moments, the doors slid back open and she was stood before the entrance of the BAU. BAU. Behavioural Analysis Unit. The letters felt strange to form in her mouth. As if it was a secret that wasn't hers to tell. As she walked the length of the hall to the door, she repeated the name over and over again in her head. She'd always dreamed of working in the FBI but now she was here... she didn't know what to do.

With her hands still trembling, she pushed open the heavy wooden doors, a wave of noise instantly hit her. The stench of fresh coffee invaded her senses and she felt as though she was about to bounce off the walls purely from the smell. A periodical tapping filled the room, clearly a pencil against the edge of the desk, and just the noise itself put her at unease.

As a child, Elodie had been diagnosed with autism however, she had long since learned how to cover her symptoms up. The FBI was well aware of her condition when they hired her and, in fact, said that her unique way of looking at the world could drastically help the BAU. A sense of doubt settled deep in the lining of her stomach. What if she messed it all up? What if she had a meltdown just as they were trying to catch a serial killer? What if? What if? What if?

"Hello, I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner and you must be Elodie Miller, correct?" A tall, stern-looking man held his hand out towards Elodie, snapping her out of her trance.

"Yes," She took his hand and shook it, taking note of his exceptionally strong handshake, "I prefer to be called Elle, if that's okay with you." Elle offered up a polite but restrained smile. She wasn't yet sure of the atmosphere of the team and didn't want to come off as overbearing.

Aaron's expression shifted a little, "Elle." he repeated, a slightly vacant look in his face. Almost as soon as he started, he snapped out of it, "Elle, a lovely name. I'll be sure to inform the rest of the team for you." He said with a slight sigh as he called the attention of the rest of the room.

Elle's expression fell a little, she was unsure if she'd done something wrong but she decided to think little of it.

"If I can have your attention please!" He announced. Elle noticed how the room instantly became silent. "I would like to introduce you to our newest member, Elodie, Elle, Miller." He gestured towards her. "She will be joining us out on the field. That is all."

Aaron turned his attention back the Elle and gestured for her to follow him to a group of people.

"Now, there are many people who work within the BAU but as you're out on the field you only really need to know this bunch of misfits here." He smiled a little to himself at his joke as they arrived at their destination.

Elle felt herself relax a little with the knowledge that Aaron Hotchner had just made a joke. A joke that told her everything she needed to know about the place.

"This is Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Jason Gideon, Penelope Garcia and, of course Doctor Spencer Reid." He gestured to each member of the group as he matched them up with their name.

"Doctor... you have a PHD?" Elle asked as she watched Spencer. He looked to be about her age and she was impressed that he'd managed to receive a PHD in his short lifetime.

She watched as he jumped a little at her direct question almost as if he was... startled? His eyes flicked back and forth between on object just behind her head on the wall and her face.

"Three, actually." A collective groan sounded from the rest of the group at his response. Elle smiled at she looked at him.

"That's very impressive." She responded politely, not wanting to give off a bad impression. Reid nodded at this before quickly breaking away from the group and going back to his desk. Elle watched his body language, he was jittery and distracted. Something was wrong but she decided it wasn't her place to act.

She turned back to the group and noticed the blonde woman, Penelope, had move closer to her. Significantly closer. A broad grin was spread across her painted lips as she watched Elle.

"Penelope." She gushed as she stuck her hand out, "I'm the technical analyst and if you ever need a cup of tea after a mission or a chat or a nap or, or, or anything really come to me."

Elle went to shake Penelope's hand but, in a split second, Penelope had changed her mind and instead pulled her into a warm hug. Elle tensed up a little at the touch. She wasn't the biggest fan of being touched but decided to grit her teeth and bear it. 

After their brief hug, Hotchner beckoned her over to his office. As she climbed the stairs upwards, she glanced over at the desks in the room and in that moment all doubts she had about the job were washed away.

"Please, take a seat." He nodded towards the free chair as he sat down in his own, adjusting his clothes as he did. "Now Elle, I'm sure you know we have to operate slightly differently to accommodate for your autism. I will have to inform the team however if you feel up to it you are more than welcome to tell them yourself."

Elle fidgeted with her hands a little as she stared at a small section of the desk in front of her. "I would appreciate it if you could tell the team." She replied as her gaze flicked up to meet his for a split second before returning to the desk.

Aaron replied with an understanding nod, "Now, as a general rule we all agree not to profile one another unless there's cause for distress. I'm afraid i've just broken that rule and I want you to know you don't have to worry about being treated differently here. Your grasp of the world will really help us find unsubs especially those on the spectrum themselves." He offered up a restrained smile as she returned her gaze to him once again.

With a small sigh, she allowed her shoulders to relax. Something about the way he said it made her believe that it was true.


right i know yous might not be used to having an mc on the spectrum of what not but i promise it does have a purpose (if that's the right way to phrase it) and this story won't be entirely centred around her autism but it's important to mention it

also idk as someone who has a lot and i mean a lot of close family members on the spectrum i think it's nice for those who have autism to have representation

plus reid is def autistic so like don't be so quick to judge when the lad you're reading about definitely has it also

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