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On her second day on the job, Elle was stood by the coffee machine when she was pounced on by no other than Penelope Garcia. She turned to face the woman, her heart pounding a thousand miles a minute.

"Sorry Elle," She made an apologetic face as she took in her appearance. "I wanted to let you know that Hotch told the team last night about... y'know. I just wanted you to know my offer still stands you can talk to me any time!" She made extravagant hand gestures as she spoke.

Elle smiled back at the woman whom she was sure she'd grow to love. She offered up her thanks before grabbing her mug and going to walk away.

"Oh..." Elle turned around to see Penelope's forlorn face. She furrowed her brows as she tapped her nails against the mug.

"What's up?" She asked as she made her way back to Penelope. She hoped she hadn't done anything wrong. Garcia looked back up at Elle, a smile back on her face.

"Oh nothing, don't you worry. There's just no coffee left is all!" She announced. She couldn't help but smile a little at how the lack of coffee had seemed to impact her so much. She could tell that Penelope was clearly one to value others emotions.

"Here, have mine," Elle held the mug out towards her. Garcia hesitated for a second her hands hovering close to the mug. She stared at it for a second as she cocked her head.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Of course I am," Elle beamed, "Im afraid my mug isn't quite as extraordinary as yours," She glanced down at the octopus mug in Penelope's hand, "but i'm sure it tastes just as good!" She pushed the mug into her grasp so she couldn't say no.

"Oh I love you already!" Penelope gushed as she grinned at Elle. "Come, come i've got to show you my room it's gorgeous."

Just as Elle was about to agree, Hotch appeared from his office, a grave look on his face. "We have a case." He announced, earning a groan from Penelope.

"Another time I guess," She sighed as she grabbed Elle's finger and led her towards the briefing room. The pair took a seat at the table where they were met by the others.

"First case Agent Miller, you exited?" The man she remembered to be Derek Morgan grinned at her. He was clearly a people's person and an extrovert. She could tell he was the type of person her older sister would fall head over heels for. Not that there's many people that she wouldn't do that for.

"Nervous is perhaps a more suitable word," She replied with a firm nod as she rubbed her finger backwards and forwards along the edge of the table. Morgan stared at her in bewilderment.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"Nothing, nothing it's just... you sure you aren't Spencer Reid in a woman's body?" He asked with a smirk. Elle laughed a little, unsure if it was a compliment or not, before glancing towards Spencer who had quietly entered the room.

Though she had been in the office for less than forty eight hours, she was already well aware of Reid's reputation and rather intimidated. He was only four months older than her and yet he had achieved so much more in his life.

Reid took the only spare seat, next to Elle, and fidgeted with his sleeve in silence. She decided not to press a conversation onto him and instead allowed him to sit in peace.

As much as she tried to concentrate on her conversation with Penelope and Derek, she couldn't help but notice Spencer in her peripheral vision. His legs bounced and his hands scratched away. Two tell tale signs for something she knew much too well for her comfort. She pushed her revelation to the back of her mind as she realised that there were a plethora of things that could've caused this.

JJ walked into the room, a solemn look on her face. She passed around a stack of files before waiting to tell them about the case.

"In the last three days, four bodies have been found in Chicago each representing a different fairy tale." She shook her head as several crime scene pictures popped up on the screen behind her. "Alice Brighton, twenty seven mother of two, was posed as Gretel. She was severely burned and the coroner discovered her stomach was stuffed with sugar and sweets. Helen March, twenty two, represents Rapunzel. Her hair was cut off and tied around her neck post-mortem. Official cause of death is strangulation and her mouth had traces of sweet rampion."

"Sweet rampion?" Derek asked.

"In the original fairytale, Rapunzel's mother craved a herb named Rapunzel which her husband stole from the which next door. Rapunzel is more commonly referred to as sweet rampion." Spencer interjected before JJ could answer.

"Nora Milton, thirty one, was stabbed in the jugular with a high-heel that had been sharpened at one end clearly indicating Cinderella. Finally, Louise Carmichael was over dosed with chloroform."

"Sleeping beauty," Emily finished for her. There was a somber air around the room. Elle found it hard to come to term with how something so sweet and innocent as fairy stories had been corrupted.

"Our unsub has all the markings of a spree killer," Hotch sighed, "Wheels up in twenty minutes."

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