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Elle had maintained polite conversation with Emily and Derek for the duration of the flight but couldn't help feeling glad when it was over. It wasn't that she didn't like talking to them she just happened to like having her own time.

During the car journey to the station, Hotch quickly explained their basic plan of action to her as well as reminding her to not talk to press unless necessary. JJ had received the proper training on how to address the press so there seemed little chance of anyone needing to.

"Thank you for coming," Sheriff Dalton shook Hotch's hand. "I'm afraid in the time it took for you to arrive another body has been discovered." He shook his head in shame, "In my ten years as Sheriff i've never seen anything like this..."'

"Do we know the cause of death of the latest victim?" Gideon asked as he unzipped his jacket, the mid-July heat seemed penetrating.

"No, body's just been found we've left the crime scene untouched for you. Victim is still unidentified and there's no missing person reports that match the description just yet."

"We'll have our technical analyst sift through ant reports that come through, thank you." Gideon nodded at the sheriff.

"JJ and Derek, you go speak to victims families, Emily and Gideon i'd like you to stay at the station and go over files... see if there's anything we've missed and Elle and Spencer, you're with me at the crime scene." Hotch commanded.

The latest crime scene was within walking distance so the trio walked in uncomfortable silence. It seemed Hotch wasn't one for small talk and Spencer had simply ignored any attempt at conversation so far. Elle tapped her fingers against the side of her jeans rhythmically. One, two, four, three, five. One, two, four, three, five. One, two, four, three, five.

A grim air had settled across the alley as they entered. Elle took a deep breath before following after Hotch and Spencer. Although they were used to seeing bodies by now, this was her first time out on the field and she had to prepare herself.

"You okay?" Hotch turned round to face her, a frown on his face. She nodded in response, her heart pounding in her chest. "Just take it easy, okay? We all remember seeing our first body and I can't say it's particularly pleasant." He gave her a reassuring yet restrained smile.

As they advanced down the alley, a body came into view, lying atop a skip. Elle thought her heart might stop as she caught sight of it. The victim was dressed in a bright red cloak, her entire face was removed with jagged cuts as though a wild animal had had its way with her. Her intestines were hanging out of her body through three deep gashes across her torso and her head was just barely hanging onto the neck.

Without thinking, Elle rushed to a corner far away and emptied the contents of her stomach. She'd seen many dead bodies before but only in photos. Never in real life. This victim had died a horrific death and it didn't help.

"Go check on her please," Hotch asked Reid as he inspected the body.

Elle groaned as she stood up, feeling her head spin. She watched as Spencer slowly came over to her. Great. This was the first proper conversation they were going to have and she'd just thrown up.

"Don't feel bad." He said as he grimaced a little at the puddle of sick. "I did the same on my first crime scene. Worse, even. At least you managed to get far away from the scene and not contaminate it," He shrugged as he offered up a dorky grin.

Elle smiled back, "I feel a bit like a fool." She replied honestly as she avoided eye contact. She felt idiotic. Ashamed. Everything.

"Don't, look you didn't hear it from me but I happen to have it on good authority that Hotch fainted at his first crime scene." Spencer's eyes crinkled as he held back a laugh. Elle realised that this was the first time she'd seen him not completely tense.

She bit back a laugh as the pair walked back over to the scene. She took a deep breath before looking at the body again. It was still horrific but not as nausea inducing as before.

Spencer's phone began to ring, "Garcia," He mumbled before answering it. "You're on speaker."

"Well boy-wonder, i've run pictures of our vic through my systems and come up with a match. A miss Rachel Rothwood. Surprisingly, no missing person report has been filed within the last four days but interestingly, there is one from five years ago and get this... it's from Florida."

"Unless our unsub's had her for five years that means she's a runaway," Spencer mumbled, half to himself half to everyone else.

"Interesting," Elle unconsciously said.

"Carry on," Hotch urged her to finish her thought. He knew more than most how hard it was to join the team and contribute your ideas. He'd coached every single one of his agents past this stage.

"Well, all our other victims were low-risk. Good jobs, nice family, well connected in the area... this is a huge change in M.O." Elle glanced back at Rachel's body, "It's likely that she turned to prostitution which is why there's no missing person report. I mean... maybe it's just the fairytale but her death is much more violent than the rest. Maybe killing low-risk victims didn't satisfy his urges... she could be a surrogate."

"Well done Agent Miller. Garcia, check local hospital and P.D records for any deaths of prostitutes and cross reference them with Rachel Rothwood. See if there's any similarities." Hotch ordered down the phone.

"I'll hit you back when i've got something," Penelope's grainy voice came from the other end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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