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Soon after the scandal had been revealed. You were in shambles, everyday seemed to be longer and longer. You found yourself doubting everything that had happened in the previous months. You wanted to deny it, pretend it didnt happen. But it did happen, you were in denial. As you sat in your newly purchased home, seated on the luxurious velvet sofa. Your thoughts flashed back to the day you stood in the streets, watching the large digital billboards.

You wanted to get out, leave. You didn't want to be in Mount Rageous anymore, you hated it.

Yet, something always pulled you back. You were stuck in between. Unable to make a decision. Often you would sit in your room, or living room, sulking. You would do this for hours on end, staring at the wall mindlessly and you seemed to be in another world. dreaming up a universe where none of this had happened. But you had to accept it, and soon you did.

Seven years had passed, you were rich, and successful. You even had a few new friends, one of them being the little troll you had seen imprisoned.

You were on all the covers of fashion magazines, on billboards plastered around the bright city. Your image was pristine, you were a fashion icon. After a bit, Ritz did come around, apologizing to you. You still kind of despised him, but you'd have to leave things in the past at some point. You sat in your living room, with your cat. He purred on your lap as you smoothed a hand over his perfectly pristine fur. Discussing on the phone what seemed to be another modeling oppurtunity.

As you hung up, irritated and annoyed by the persistent nature of the employer. You heard faint knocks on your door, scooping up your cat into your arms like a baby. You made your way towards the door. Unaware of what, or who stood on the other side. You reached out for the handle, gently twisting the knob and opening it. You nearly dropped your cat.

On the other side was Velvet and Veneer.

"Oh my god."

were the only words that escaped your lips. You held a dramatic hand to your mouth. The two smiled nervously on the other end, you stood motionless.

You wanted to be upset, angry, mad they would show up unannounced.

But after the incident you didnt pick up any phone calls for awhile.

You invited the two in. They hesitantly stepped in, Velvet walking ahead as Veneer trailed behind her. You invited them to sit on your luxurious sofa, just as they had invited you all those years ago. They sat nervously, close by as you sat across from them, your cat still in hand.

"Why ?"

is all you could ask.

𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐞 (Veneer x Reader) (Trolls Band Together)Where stories live. Discover now