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Coming out from the bathroom, i went right back over to my old bed to lay on Marni.

"They not serving breakfast anymore, you still want to go?"

I rested my head against her stomach, yawning. "I rather go to that other spot."


If my 24th birthday wasn't coming close i would've been cancelled my hair appointment.

Fell asleep right along with Marni who was already sleep in my bed when i got home.

I hate staying at my crib by myself so i always use my parents as an alternative.

Recently i've been growing out of that though, Marni knowing i'm a little scary on my lonely makes it a point to come over when she's gets off work.

Adrian always be talking about Marni really my soulmate and i been sucking dick for nothing.

Bad bitch, close relationship, but coochie bumping is where she lost me.

"Think the blonde gonna look good on me?."

"Why wouldn't it?." She questioned, continuing to scroll her phone "You know i been waiting on you to play with some color."

"I wanna fuck her when she blonde, ooooh" I sung out, fixing to sit up.

"Plus that red and blonde always does it."

"I went over Whiteboys before coming home, tell me why they still using number 19."

"..." Marni tucked her lips in her mouth on a automatic.

I laughed "That shit would piss me off i don't know."

I dated Lincoln (Whiteboy) all through middle and highschool damn near.

Making the transition to college he got into a bad accident playing at his last football game. Fucked his leg up permanently.

He started getting addicted to the painkillers he got prescribed and basically put me on game.

Buddy crashed out and didn't even make it to college, i did although but my pill addiction resulted in me eventually getting kicked out

We both held resentment towards each other after that, still sticking together during our highschool sweet heart relationship's downfall for all we knew was eachother.

Push came to shove, we broke up and i fucked his older brother out of spite.

Kaso ending up hating me even more than Whiteboy ever could.

I still come around because......well... because i can.

The whole lore is insane really.

"You better stop picking with them, shit all around toxic. You're too old for that." Marni kept it real.

"I know."

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