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Stirring in my sleep, the light from outside creeping in through my blinds automatically put me in a mood before i could even open my eyes up.

Reaching out faintly for Blue beside me, i made contact with plush blanket. Finally opening my eyes.

He laid peacefully asleep, sprawled all out under his blankie. Genuinely looking like he just came back from a night shift.

Blue was a good ass baby, he was so patient with me while i was struggling to get everything together for him.

I never understood the baby fever shit but i semi understood it now.

I mean the cuteness made me want to pop one out but caring for one? ehhhhh. That made me take serval steps back

I refuse to become a static, babies are humans not baby dolls, it's not going to always be cuddle cuddles aww dress up. And that's what bitches be thinking.

Don't even got it together yourself to take care of another person. I gotta be ready ready when i decide to have a baby.

I make enough from lashes but a baby wasn't really a thought in my brain rn.

Sitting up in bed, picking my phone up pinching at my lash extensions.

I had hella text and calls.

mommy is coming to pick Blue up.

Hey, GM. I'm coming to get Bluey, i been at work i didn't get to see him

im coming with you then

Where u at

Always coming over up our ass like you don't got your own shit

Mommy you don't love me?

"Oh nah." I mumbled to myself swiping out to to read Kaso's text again. Hearing a few knocks at my door.

come over with me and stacey


Getting out of bed, i read the rest of my unread text. Coming up on Skilla's number.

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