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Trauma bonding is an unhealthy emotional attachment to someone who causes you physical, emotional, and/or sexual harm. In such relationships, the abusive partner can fluctuate between extreme affection and extreme abuse in repeated cycles.


"Why you ain't text me back earlier."

"I didn't even see it." I came up out my shoes at the door.

"Bitch you think i'm dumb?" Kaso questioned, pushing me back by my chest.

I stumbled back at bit, holding out to the end table beside me. "Really?"

"Really" He mocked me, pushing my phone from out my hand next.

I looked side to side frozen "So i'm guessing it was you who called them goblins. You almost got them bitches shot."

"Tomorrow what the fuck is you talking about?"

"Oh?, now you don't know." I picked my phone up from off the ground, "You know i'm over here for a good time not a long time, we don't even gotta chat about it."

"Where was you at bruh." Kaso pushed up on me even closer. I pushed him back forcibly moving around him, heading down the hall to the bedroom.

"Personal space."

It was always all types of smells in his house alwayss

This time it smelled like straight sex though

"You think you funny wit that ignoring shit huh?." Of course Kason followed me all the way down to his room. "You the worst bitch i ever met swear to god."

"Am i-"

Stopping in my tracks in the middle of standing in Kaso's room, it was girl laid up asleep in his bed facing the wall. "....."

Just sleeping soooo peacefully.

"So what she supposed to be here to whoop me?."

Kaso now stood behind me "Ion know. Thought y'all could lay together."

Oh okay so he's just playing in my face "..."

"....." I almost stood there dumbfounded for a minute but i just couldn't. My brain wasn't about to let me do that.

Tossing my phone on his dresser swinging my body around to Kaso in a rush I attacked, bashing my phone screen up against his face with force.

"Ah! Shit!" He yelled out , trying to push me back but my arm was moving too fast at him.

With my other hand i had his hoodie in a grip of my fist, not letting him break loose a inch. Just whamming his shit

I completely, blacked out ngl.

The girl started to scream behind us as we both took the fight into the hall.

Kaso caught me on my lip getting a quick swing in. Knocking me back off him a bit, my phone falling out my grasp.

I leaned back up and yanked his head down with his dreads and started uppercutting his ass.

He pushed us forward and I fell backwards instantly and rolled on top of him. Kaso  grabbed the collar of my shirt tightly going in on my face since he had a good clearing to it but i kept uppercutting his face in return also.

"What the fuck Kason?!" The girl yelled, pulling me from up off him. His whole face leaking.

Not being able to defend myself since she had both arms i started repeatedly spitting on him in clear reach, getting lifted off.

"Stupid ass bitch!"

Once on my feet i snatched away from ole girl "Find somebody else that can get up with me bitch!." Getting my bloody phone from off the ground "You can't even beat me goofy?!"

"Me and my brother ran through you bitch that lil shit ain't on nun!, We gone kill yo slut ass!"

He was still on the floor with his bitch beside him to his aid when i came back out.

"YOUGOTMYNAMEONYOURFOREHEAD FAGGOTASSBITCH!" I flashed out, making my ways to the door.

Tomorrow get the fuck out of here bro, they not worth it.

It's not worth it.

Coming out to the front huffing in and out, completely out of breath.

I rubbed my bloody phone screens along my leggings, wiping the blood off briefly. Fast walking to my car

These bitches can't get a one up on me high, drunk, tipsy, half sleep, NOTHING.

I lowkey think he thought i was going to beat on her.

Wrong one, he pulled my card like i was pussy so i only gave what was asked.

Pulling off away from Kaso's crib a fast as i could, pure adrenaline running through me.

I was driving close up to the wheel, face serious as fuck, didn't even attempt to look at the damage to my face at the moment.

Slamming my car door getting to the studio, i rolled my tongue around in my mouth a couple times feeling something was off.

Getting a metallic taste i spit to the side of me instantly on the way up to the studio door.

I know that wasn't just one brace bracket...

Blood came out along also.

Walking inside the studio, it was nobody in the front so i went off to the side door.

Hearing it was a session going on i still didn't care, just busted in the room.

Heads turning to me so fast

I did a quick scan before coming up on Marni's shocked face.

"Come here." I made a come on motion with my hand, stepping back out the room.

Rubbing over my face stressed the hell out, millions of things was going on in my head.

This nigga really tried it bro.

They all keep trying me.

It didn't take long at all for Marni to come out.
"What the fuck happened?!"

"Bathroom." I held my mouth, rushing off toward the restroom.

"Tomorrow your fucking face!"

Pushing the bathroom door open i ran to a stall with Mani following closely behind.

Dropping on my knees immediately at the toilet. Marni gathered my hair up in time, holding it up behind my back as i threw my insides up in that hoe.

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