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"My favourite child."

My body tossed around in my bed roll vigorously, the cold that nipped at my skin made it impossible to sleep peacefully. It left my mind restless, vulnerable.

I willed my eyes to open, but when they did I was not where I had last seen. My body was surrounded in a black abyss. I scrambled to my feet, spinning my body in all different directions as I began to enter a slight panic.

"Who's there?" I yelled out into the nothingness, my voice holding a tone of desperation.

The darkness didn't offer me an answer. I screwed my face up in frustration. "I suggest you use your tongue to speak before I cut it out when I find you."

A haunting chuckle echoed through the void, the voice lingering in the thick tension of the air. "Ah, my dearest Laika, always quick with a threat. I've missed my prodigy." The unseen presence taunted, the darkness responding revealing nothing to my eye.

My body stilled as I quickly began to recognise the voice protruding my thoughts. "Master.. I apologise, I did not realise-"

"Silence, girl." The voice of my master spat, making me bite my tongue within the second. I quickly dropped to one knee out of respect, completely unaware if he could even see me.

As my eyes kept trained onto my clenched fist, his voice broke the anxious silence once again. "I can sense the corruption in your mind. I hope for the sake of yourself you don't stray from our cause."

"Never master." I voice was strong, proud. However on the inside my heart was shaking.

"Then you will do well in remembering your oath with us child." I nodded, before stammering out a response as I realised his eyes were elsewhere.

"I shall call for you again soon."

Before I could utter a response the black room disapated, my body feeling alone once more. I flailed up from my sleeping position, my chest heaving as if I had ran miles.

My erratic heart beat quickly began to calm as I realised my surroundings were the exact same as last night, before I closed my eyes to slumber. I sighed in deeply before exhaling, my eyes drooped and my face fell sullum as I realised my body was still tired.

I forced myself up with an exasperated groan, rolling up my bed and strapping my daggers back around my thighs. My eyes gravitated up towards the sky, the bright sun shining in through the cover of the trees.

My feet began to carry me towards, what I had hoped atleast, the direction of the camp I had wandered from the night before. My mind was scrambled with possibilities of what could happen, an anxious feeling settled deep in my chest.

I flitted back to the memories from the camp. Before I had left I carefully examined each member that had rested peacefully by the fire. They had all seemed like a crazy bunch of misfits, but two in particular caught my eye.

The first was the githyanki that had resided further away from the group, distancing herself. I had only ever heard of them and seen pictures in textbooks, they were certainly a rare kind, but the stories of their ruthlessness and great strength did not go unnoticed.

The second was the man in purple. He looked calm in his sumber, the large ancient staff that lay closely beside him giving away his magic abilities. People like him put me on edge, I was far too aware of his capabilities.

It felt absolutely mental. Knowing the strength of their group yet still seeking them out, because as much as I didn't want to admit it, they were the only ones that could help me.

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