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Astarion was quick on his feet, so quick that I had began to struggle to keep up with him. It's like he had let his guard down for a split second, and then his mind had turned to chaos.

"Astarion! Wait up, please!" My voice called out in plea but it was no use, the pale elf ignored my words and continued forwards.

I huffed in annoyance as I finally caught up right behind his heel. I grabbed onto the flesh of his arm in attempt to halt him, but he reacted immediately, snatching his arm from my grasp and holding onto both of my shoulders. "Laika, I do not wish to share-"

His sentence was cut short as we both groaned in pain, the dark memories of my past forcing themselves to the surface of my mind.

The harsh strike of the whip cracked against my skin, the burning sear that erupted through my body resulted in an ear shattering scream. I was tired, so tired.

"You are too weak. Your mind unloyal." My master called from behind me, winding the whip back up to strike me again. "Who do you serve, girl?"

I tried to speak. I tried to force out the words he so desperately needed me to say, but I couldn't. The only sound that left my lips were the sobs of pain.


I fell from my knees to the floor, my body flopping with a thud, barely able to catch myself before my head collided with the ground. I used the remainder of my strength to bring me back to my knees, cowering to the looming presence of the terrifying man behind me.

"Who?!" His voice was enraged.

"I s-serve the dragon.." My voice was barely audible, but luckily he had caught it.

"That's correct." He walked over to the table, placing the whip down before pivoting on his heel towards the door, throwing one final sentence over his shoulder. "If I see you in the presence of your family again, I'll carve the very skin from their bones as you watch."

My body was in a state of shock as the dark surroundings of the forest emerged back around me. Air was caught in my lungs as if I had forgotten how to breathe. That memory was a memory I hadn't seen in a very long time.

And by the deep look of sorrow that flashed on Astarions face as he gazed down at me, told me he saw it to.

I pushed him off of me, stumbling back as my eyes glazed over with tears. I felt humiliated. "That was not for you to see." Venom dripped from my voice as my chest felt like it was about to combust.

"I did not mean to intrude into your mind darling!" His voice was desperate but he remained stuck to his spot, his eyes full of pity. My blood boiled.

"Do not look at me like that." I hissed, my eyes slitting into a glare as I clenched my fists by my sides.

"Like what darling?" He quirked his head to the side as he stared at me. Although he had used one of his many nicknames for me it didn't hold taunt like the previous times.

"And stop calling me that." I groaned in frustration as I turned away from him, forcing my eyes shut. "You're right. Let's keep our tragic stories to ourself and get the hell back to camp."

I didn't wait for a response, I was gone before he could give one. I felt dirty. He no one should ever see those memories. I need this thing out of my head once and for all.

Astarion ° Little StarWhere stories live. Discover now