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your pov:

Sports day had finally arrived at PK Academy. Unlike last time, you didn't have any excuse to get you out of doing physical activity. You had no choice but to spend your day doing hellish activities with hellish people (teenagers).

"On your marks. Set."

And they were off? There was definitely not anythjng signaling they could go but...ok! The first event was the mens 100-meter dash. Your classmates were definitely more excited about this than you were. Soon enough the race was over and Saiki had came in third. You didn't even realize he was the one racing.

"Great job Saiki you got third!! All the other racers were on the track and field team."

You have to admit, that's pretty impressive. Saiki didn't seem very fond of this though. The second race went not as well, putting you guys in a tie for fifth place. The three legged race went well and now it was Nendous turn. Again, you could care less about if your class won or not, but it would be cool to not get last place. The race begun and Nendou easily passed the other runners, picking up a piece of paper. He then ran over to your group and grabbed the weirdly shaped hairpin Saiki always wore.


He fell? Fainted was probably a better word. He fainted, and landed face first on the ground. This caused a pretty big commotion amongst your class, a few surrounded him trying to see what was wrong. You were confused. Very very confused. Honestly, you don't know how you haven't noticed this before. Saiki was not normal. You don't know why it took a "hairpin" falling out for you to notice. But the more you thought, the more you realized. Strange things would happen around Saiki, though nothing crazy happened when you were around. Saiki had also always seemed to know what you were thinking, or what other people were thinking to be more precise. And then this, him suddenly falling over the moment his suspiciously shaped hairpin was taken out.

"You fainted when Nendou took that thing out of your head so I tried to put it back."

This fully confirmed your suspicions, but you decided you would let it go for now. The morning events were over, and you were now looking for a place to eat. Preferably away from anyone loud and obnoxious. You walked around the outside of your school, before settling on eating on the ground in the back. You walked towards your destination, failing to notice the presence of another person by your chosen spot. You had already sat down and started to unpack your stuff when you looked over and saw the person who was occupying your mind.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize you were in here. Are you ok? Am I ok to be right here?"

He nodded in response to your first question but seemed to question what you meant by your second. You knew it would be useless trying to hide your suspicions if he really could read your mind, but it was worth trying to keep it a secret.

"I uh, assumed you'd want to be left alone after fainting you know?"

You thought your lie was pretty solid, but he seemed to be weary of you. You glanced over to him and saw his shaky hands struggling with his chopsticks. You realized it was probably weird of you to watch him eat and looked away. There was a loud snap from where he sat. You looked over and saw his chopsticks snapped in two. His eyes briefly locked with yours before he looked back at his food again. He almost looked embarrassed. You reached down into your lunch and turned over to where he was sitting.

"You can use mine if you want. I haven't used them yet, see?"

You held out your chopsticks in a plastic case, wanting to prove that they were clean. He only shook his head in response.

"I don't want to break them."

Though his verbal response caught you off guard, you needed to keep your cool. This was your chance to see what he could do.

"Break them? They're metal. I'm sure they'll be fine."

You smiled at him. You couldn't tell if he knew what you were doing or not, but he was cornered. His excuse of not wanting to break them was now invalid, but but by accepting them there would be a chance of them breaking if he did have some sort of weird power thing going on. He reached out to finally grab them when the bell rang, signaling it was time to return. You sighed in defeat before packing up and leaving the spot, offering a small wave and smile to Saiki as you left.

saiki pov:

He scrutinized your actions as you walked out the door. He wasn't able to read your thoughts when you first walked over, as his mind was too jumbled from the earlier incident. So he missed your "i'm suspicious of you" rant. What he didn't miss was, your thoughts while trying to give him your chopsticks. If he was anyone else, he would've thought you were clever for your trick. But seeing as he was not normal, he knew you were trying to prove something. The only problem was he wasn't sure what. He was unable to tell if you suspected what he hoped you didn't.

'Good grief.'

He stood up, preparing to teleport away from the school when he was interrupted. It was Nendou. He tried to teleport away quickly, but his powers were still unstable.

"Hey you alright? Maybe you should go home early."

While he had hoped to leave, his class had been a bit too enthusiastic about it. He would've felt bad if he left, leaving him with the option of continuing to participate.

your pov:

It was now time for the tug of war event. Which you, of course, were not participating in!! You watched a majority of the boys in your class start to pull on the rope. You had no interest in them, and kept your eyes on Saiki. You watched closely, making sure you would catch anything unusual that happened. The rope snapped. You had only seen it for a second, but the part of the rope between the two of Saikis hands had snapped. There was no fraying, so you knew this wasn't from it being worn down. That rope has snapped in two, because of Saiki. You continued to watch his hands closely. You probably looked like a total weirdo, but it's for a good cause (debatable). He pulled one of his hands closer to him and the other team went flying. You were shocked to say the least. Partially because you now confirmed Saiki's unusual strength, partially because you can't believe nobody else had noticed!

Class 3 had been getting more and more obnoxious as time went on. Their team encouragement had gone from nice phrases to getting buzzcuts? It was kinda funny, you couldn't imagine Saiki with a buzzcut. Seemed like he wasn't too fond of the idea either. The beanbag toss was next and sadly, you had to take part in this one. But that didn't mean you were gonna try very hard, your attention was still going to be on Saiki. The game started and your helping efforts were picking up any beanbags close to you and throwing them closer to your other teammates. You finally decided to throw one towards your basket when you saw a large clump of beanbags enter the basket over and over again. It was like something was pulling them in like a magnet. You looked over at Saiki and watched as his eyes moved slightly around the same time the bags would clump together. Though your technically couldn't prove any of this was him, you were sure of it. Your class had lost to another team, who you thought was cheating but technically so was yours so you couldn't say much. The final event was the relay race. Saiki, would be the last runner. Your start was slow, but your class quickly took first place. Saiki hadn't been particularly suspicious with his running, but you still continued to watch him. He was only a few feet from the finish line when he fell face first. Again. And with that, the sports festival was over, and you were now determined to become closer to Saiki.

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