🪡⚜️||°|| Chapter Four ||°||⚜️🪡

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||°«|| Y/N's POV ||»°||


That was frightening. That lady seemed pissed as hell and then her mood just snapped. No way am I gonna act up around her...

I shake my head of my thoughts once I get infront of dad's office. Once I walked in I immediately regretted it. My face scrunched in disgust....

Both of my dad's were making on my fathers office desk. "OH MY GOD DADS!" I yelled in disgust. I turn away and my face is still contorted into disgust of seeing that.

This made them chuckle as they pulled apart in surprise. "Your gonna end up doing this to.~" papa teased. I frown and pout my lip. "Not with my tongue halfway down their throat!" I gagged.

They both chuckled and came toward me, kissing my head. "Your still our little girl though.." father said sadly. I don't know why he sounded so sad though.

Papa placed his hand on my cheek and smiled with sadness. "My baby is so grown up now..." papa whined, tears threatening to slip. I smiled softly at him and hug him.

"She's no longer a baby but a young woman. But... she'll always be our little girl..." Father said smiling softly. He kissed my head and joined the hug. It felt nice to hug my parents like this.

"Now what did you need? Besides making us cry over the fact our little girl isn't so little anymore?.." father said chuckling, while wiping his cheek of tears. I smile softly at him.

"Nothing dad.. I'll tell you after the exams.." I sighed. They hugged me and kissed my head one more time, before finally letting me go.

I soon then left the office. Just as I rounded the corner, Jaune bumped into me. "Come quick... alpha.. fight... Aleana!" Jaune panted. My eyes widened as I grabbed him.

My [W/C] wings spread open and I picked him up. I flew down the halls with speed I didn't even know I had. Just as I got into the cafeteria, I saw that Aleana was being held down.

A red head and that white head were holding her down her arms. A black haired girl held down her tail and wings. All while a yellow headed bitch was beating my best friend. I don't know which was worse..

That my best friend was being beat up.. or the fact that a bunch of alphas are so coward that they have to jump someone. One thing for sure was that I was not letting my bestie get jumped.

I jumped on the white haired bitch first, making her let go of Aleana's arm. Her right fist connected to the red heads cheek, making the girl stumble back. Mean while, mine connected to this white headed bitch under me.

She hissed in pain as I got off her and kicked her in the shin. She went to grab me but Aleana's whip like tail smacked her hand away. "Don't put your filthy hands on my bestie!" She growled lowly.

I hugged Aleana tightly as she hugged me back. "Aleana I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have left you alone in here.." I apologized. She shushed me and pet my head, "Your not responsible for me though.. it's not your fault.."

I whimpered before a low growl was heard behind Aleana. We both looked at the owner of the growl to find it was Glynda.



||°«|| Glynda's POV ||»°||


I looked at the mess cause by the cute omega's little friend. Her friend was such a damn brute. Three of the damn tables were broken. Plates and food all over the floor and walls. The students and newbies all huddled around to watch this fucking foolishness.

The other spies were hurt on the floor, except Yang though. She was still standing and seemed pissed, her hair turning to flames every few seconds.

"All of you to my office.. NOW!" I growled. All of them except Blake and Yang, jumped at my harsh town. This is why I favor them more. They have grit.

I sighed as the other two hurt spies got up and limped. They followed me as that... brute... helped the cute little omega to calm down. That should be my job.

That is my job...

"Hurry the hell up!" I hissed. This made the poor omega jump and shake more. Shit! I didn't mean to scare her more, just her friend..

"How about wait a minute you old hag.. she's fucking scared! If shes gets anymore scared then she'll end up having a panic attack or anxiety attack!" The brute hissed. I was surprised.

So the omega can have panic attack? What the fuck happened?

"P-p-pa.." the omega tried to speak. Me and the other spies listened closely. Her friend doing the same.

"Papa.." she whimpered. I tilted my head in confusion. Her friend though picked her up, pissing me and the others off. "She needs to go to her dad.." her brute of a friend said softly.

I groaned but nodded. Her friend lead us to... Ozpins office...

As we walked in, Ozpin was just doing paperwork. His clothes and hair were all messy. The smell of sex and omega was in the air. It irritated me. Him and his slutty husband must have had sex in here...

Ozpin looked and as soon as he saw the omega he abruptly got up from his seat. I and the others jumped a bit. He never had that reaction before except once. The day his child was born.

He ran to the omega taking her in his arms and kissing her head. "My sweet girl, what happened?" He asked. My eyes widened in shock. Ozpin was this beautiful girls father?

"D-dad.. w-where's p-pa-papa?" The omega whimpered out. Her hiccups in between each word made her stutter.

"Shhhhhh, he'll come back in a few minutes.. how about you sit with me for a little bit ok?.." Ozpin shushed her. She nodded as he kissed her head.

"Thank you Glynda and Aleana... I don't know what I would do if she suffered.." Ozpin frowned. Tears rimmed in his eyes as my heart raced. Ozpin has never showed so much emotion before. Not even when his life has been put in danger!

Looks like I'll be reporting this to Salem when I leave with the girls for the night. I nodded toward him, "Of course Ozpin. No student deserved to suffer in silence." I smiled.

'Especially not her...' I thought to myself...


||°«|| To Be Continued ||»°||


Sorry for the short chapter but today I'm kinda tired from finishing another chapter on another book! Please forgive me!

Love you guys! Hope you've had a good day today and a nice night!

Stay bright and Shining my Fireworks and Firecrackers!


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