🪡⚜️||°|| Chapter Eight ||°||⚜️🪡

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||°«|| Y/N's POV ||»°||


I scout for a game to play since I escaped the bracelet. I was not gonna be dragged around like a criminal.

Once I find one, I see an odd group of alpha's. One had brown hair and red eyes, one is bunny Faunus with brown hair as well. Then finally the other has red hair and green eyes.

It seemed like they were already students of Beacon. It was best to avoid alphas so I sighed and was about to walk away.

That was until I turned around and my face landed in the chest of an alpha. He was quite big and I definitely didn't feel like dealing with this.

"Well hello there beautiful~" he husked. His breath smelled heavily of alcohol, and his clothes had stains on them. He smelled putrid and it made me want to barf.

"E-excuse me sir.. I have to get to my friends.." I tried to politely excuse myself. He growled and blocked my way. "You aren't that busy, how about we go have a little fun~ I know some omegas like that~" he glared dangerously.

I know what that glare ment. Do it or face consequences. Why did I have to run off from Aleana. Why just why?

I whimpered as he stepped closer and was about to grab me. But a hand stopped him sent him flying. I gasped at this as this person was so quick with it.

I look behind me and it's the red haired alpha. She was even prettier up close. I snap from my thoughts though as the alpha gets up.

"What the hell you bitch?? I saw the omega first!" He growled. Uh oh.. alpha stand off. These usually get pretty rough. The red haired girl pushed me behind her to her friends.

"You sure? She was admiring us before~ I don't think she'd wanna go anywhere with a sack of shit like you." She growled. Both of them now going in circles, before attacking the other. Surprisingly though, she was strong as hell.

She gave him one good punch to the jaw and he was out like a light. The crowd around cheered for her, before disappearing off to only gods know where.

The strong female looks at me and smiles. "You ok there princess?" She asked chuckling slightly. I nodded, her friends still quiet. "You said your friends were around here, right? Want us to help you find them?" She asked.

I immediately nodded as I was lost and needed some serious help. That was all the girl needed, before letting me get on her back. And we were off...


||°«|| To Be Continued ||»°||


Sorry for the short and late chapter. I'm an evil author for right now meaning I'm going to torture my readers with slow or late updates for a while. ☺️💕

Love you guys! Hope you've had a good day today and a nice night!

Stay bright and Shining my Fireworks and Firecrackers!


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