The infection

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It had happened so fast there wasn't any time to stop it it spread so fast nobody saw it coming as the following weeks it began to infect hundreds later thousands and soon millions in a rapid rate following the collapse of society as many people were turned into the infected .

The infected not only were in numbers but the green flu began to mutate creating horrific monstrosities to the world a infected that can spit acid one that can leap from great heights another with ability to expand their tongue and pulling them in like a chameleon catching its food.

As we see a city looking all destroyed and devastated by this virus as thousands of people stood walking not saying a word as they too were part of the infected wondering everywhere they go until they heard a loud car alarma causing all of them to scream and roar in anger running towards the direction which caught attention to several zombies that started to make their way to the noise .

Some zombies leaping from buildings with a crackling roar running on all fours like animal hunting their prey .

These zombies were the special infected known as the Hunters a class of infected that agility strength and speed that were greatly enhanced by the green flu making them into predatory stalkers .

Another group of infected that coughs an rasps producing non stop a green smoke from their bodies ran as it climb to reach places to capture their target this class of infected was the smokers this group of infected that was changed to where their bodies had developed a tongue like whip to capture and pull their victims toward them as tumors covered some part of their body .

With another group of special infected that were rather obese an rather slow then most infected but their bile makes them a threat to survivors when covered in it they were known the boomers these fat bloated class of infected who's body was changed to produce a bile that when vomited on others like said survivors it would attract every zombie in a radius to find and kill them.

Then we move on to another group of special infected one that always laughs like a manic with them looking hunched back their mouth showing their teeth as well with them looking like a spider monkey Theses were known as the jockeys who jump on their victims back riding them and taking them to a dangerous places to other zombies fire or acid .

After that we see a stampede of several large zombies running at a high speed pushing or shoving an running over on other zombies these type of infected were known as the chargers these rather large armed zombie uses their over grown appendage to grab and slam their Victim's repeatedly on the ground until their dead .

We move to another group of zombies who's body was lanky and grotesque their jaws hanging wide open leaking out a sizzling glowing green fluid from their mouth which burned on impact these were know as spitters their  abilities allow them to spit a acidic projectile from their body and at their target which melts and burns them to death.

So on to another group ones who's body was all whitely pale their constant crying and sobbing of sadness as they did nothing but sat and walk around these were known as the witches their skinny body Make them look frail and weak but they're deadly when provoke a single tap could make them tear  you limb to limb pieces of what was once you nothing making them a terrifying foe.

And finally one of the most dangerous the most strongest an ruthless out of all the infected these raging pile of hulking body mass were known as none other then the tanks these murderous walking pile of muscle make them a dangerous threat to others as these things will stop at nothing to kill their targets no matter what even if mean killing their own fellow infected the tanks would throw cars, tree trunks ,and boulders from the ground hurling them at its victims to make sure they are dead no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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