Gasping awake, Tess' body lunged forward from her sleeping bag, her mind being taunted with visions of clouded misted eyes that were once her brother's blueish hue. Running her hands shakily threw her hair, she narrowed her eyes as the morning sun filtered through the fabric of the tent. Adjusting to the gentle dance of sunlight within the canvas walls, she gazed at the sleeping form of Glenn next to her, letting out a cheerful huff at his relaxed, snoring expression.
Escaping the warm confines of her comfortable sleeping bag, she shimmied a pair of jeans over her legs and threw on a stitched cardigan. With a languid stretch, she reached for the entrance of the tent, unzipping it to reveal the untouched beauty of nature just outside. Transfixed, she stopped in her seated position to relish the simplicity of the wilderness around her, a place that she always felt more comfortable in compared to the larger cities. Grabbing her heavy boots off the dewy ground, she tugged them onto her feet. Her disheveled hair, frazzled by the nightmare's that came to her in the night, framed her face as she inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with the pure, untainted air of the wilderness. The warmth of the rising sun kissed her skin, as she turned her gaze to Daryl's tent, letting out a sigh in seeing that it had remained untouched, tell-tale signs that he still had not returned from his hunting trip.
Moving about the campsite, the crackling sound of last nights campfire hinted at the remnants of last night's camaraderie in greeting their new campmate, Rick. She still had not fully made up her mind about the uniformed sheriff. Kicking at the still burning coals, she grasped a metal coffee pot and began her morning ritual. Nestling the pot, which enticed a burning hiss, she waited for it to steam before she poured herself a steaming cup of coffee. The aroma of brewing coffee wafted through the air and filled her nostrils with the tantalizing smell. With her steaming mug in hand, she found a comfortable spot to sit down by the quarry, embracing the tranquility of the moment and grateful for the beauty of the wilderness as it gave her temporary relief from the visions clouding her mind.
Hearing a splashing sound, her neck craned sideways to peer further down the water. She narrowed her eyes as she watched Carol, lug a large basket overflowing with clothes to the waters edge, before wrapping her arms around herself and stared with red rimmed eyes at the wind rattled water. Seeing a lone tear escape her eyes, Tess threw the last few dregs of her luke warm coffee off to the side, before bringing herself to her feet and approached the short haired woman. As she grew nearer, Carol sensed her presence and with a small sniffle she hastily wiped her eyes.
"Morning Tess," she greeted, with a forced grin, before grasping some clothes within her grip and knelt down to soak them in the water.
"Morning," Tess quipped back, mimicking her actions, as she too began to help with the laundry, noticing that the woman must have picked up the entire camps dirtied clothing, as a light brown uniform sat atop the pile.
"You don't have to-" Carol started in protest.
"Carol," Tess smiled, "let someone else do it for a change,"
Working in perfect synchronization, the two women robotically grabbed handful of clothes before rubbing them together in the water, adding some perfumed soap to each of the items and lathering it into a foamy lather. Chattering amongst themselves about the day ahead, the newcomer and the lack of supplies, the two women animatedly got through the clothes pile with ease. Helping Carol throw the numerous items, which were now sodden into the basket, she wiped her hands on the front of her jeans.
"Thank you Tess," Carol said warmly, wiping her hands on a rag.
Both woman reached down simultaneously to grab the basket, Tess stilling on noticing Carol's wrist, a subtle yet concerning detail catching attention—the faint discoloration of bruising, forming a delicate tapestry on the otherwise smooth skin. The hues ranging from a muted purple to a tender blue, creating a mosaic of pain beneath the surface. Curiosity mixed with a growing sense overwhelmed her senses as she contemplated the source of the bruises. Were they the result of a clumsy accident, or did they conceal a more profound, hidden pain? Sensing Tess' prolonged gaze lingering on the wrist, Carol pulled down her sweater, giving an awkward smile.

Back Woods
FanfictionIt had always dawned on Tess Dixon that she would end up alone,but being this was the first time that she was actually apart from the group, anxiety and the acceptance of death seemed a lot closer. Tilting her head back to lean on the tree behind h...