Tess sat with furrowed brows as she watched Glenn's fingers move animatedly across the map. Her lips compressed into a thin line as her teeth sank into the soft flesh of her lower lip. With each gnaw, a flicker of concern danced across her features, etching lines of tension around her mouth. Habitually, a family trait, her thumb found its way into her mouth, teeth worrying at the nail as her eyes darted anxiously. Despite her efforts to suppress it, the anxious energy pulsed through her, evident in the nervous movements of her hands and the restless twitch of her fingers. Noticing her anxious habit, Daryl nudged his shoulder into hers which stilled her movements and she tucked her hand underneath her armpit.
Kneeling beside the map, Rick's fingers massaged the skin beneath his chin thoughtfully, before rising to his feet with his hands magnetically finding their positions on his hips, "You're not doing this alone," he stated authoritatively.
Nodding his head in agreement, Daryl ran one of the feathered ends of an arrow across his jawline, "Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much"
Exasperated, Glenn sighed heavily, "It's a good idea, okay, if you just hear me out. If we go out there in a group, we're slow, drawing attention. If I'm alone, I can move fast." Motioning to the map once more, he thrust a pointed finger placing it on one of the main streets of the city.
"Look. That's the tank, five blocks from where we are now," he started before gesturing to other points within the map, "That's the bag of guns. Here's the alley I dragged you into when we first met. That's where Daryl, Tess and I will go." Glenn gestured to each individual that he named."Why us?" Daryl questioned, his eyebrows furrowing in annoyance as once again the Dixon's were at the forefront of danger.
"Your crossbow is quieter than his gun," Glenn reasoned, pointing towards Rick who's trusted python lay in the holster of his trousers. Being new to the apocalyptic world, Rick sighed to himself due to his choice of weapon.
"Tess has her knives with her too. While both of you wait here in the alley, I run up the street, grab the bag," Glenn stated nonchalantly.
Nodding his head thoughtfully, Rick used a pointed finger which alternated between himself and T-Dog, who was listening intently with his arms crossed, "You got us elsewhere?"
"You and T-Dog, right. You'll be in this alley here," Glenn instructed, pointing further down the map face.
"Two blocks away. Why?" Rick questioned with an unsure expression littering his face, his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and his eyes swung like a pendulum within his sockets as he scoured the map for a better alternative.
"I may not be able to come back the same way," Glenn rose to his feet, running an anxious hand through the dark wisps of hair that stuck awkwardly to his forehead from the scorching heat, "Walkers might cut me off. If that happens, I won't go back to Tess. I'll go forward instead, all the way around to that alley where you guys are. Whichever direction I go, I got you in both places to cover me. Afterwards, we'll all meet back here.
Impressed with his tactical mindset, Tess gaze was unwavering as they fixed onto Glenn's frame with a mixture of admiration and intrigue. Her lips are slightly parted as her breath caught in a moment of silent awe. Sensing her gaze, Glenn shuffled self consciously and ran a hand down his neck. Sometime, unbeknownst to Tess, there was an intensity to her stare, as if she's trying to decipher the depths of your soul with just a glance.
Nodding his head, Daryl looked towards Glenn questioningly, "Hey, kid, what'd you do before all this?"
Stunned by the question, Glenn placed his cap onto his head, "Delivered pizzas" he replied shrugging.

Back Woods
FanfictionIt had always dawned on Tess Dixon that she would end up alone,but being this was the first time that she was actually apart from the group, anxiety and the acceptance of death seemed a lot closer. Tilting her head back to lean on the tree behind h...