Chapter 49

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It took everything in me not to ruin the permanent smile Desiree had plastered on my face. I took in a deep breath and silently prayed everything would go as planned.  We made it through the crowd of desperate photographers and media men and finally ended up on the Red carpet. Max had his hand around my waist the entire time. Making sure that I'm okay.

On the Red carpet, Max and I got separated because Men and Women were interviewed differently. "Next up, uuhh we have Miss April Lucas, the current girlfriend of Mr Wilders." The presenter introduced me as I climbed into the spotlight.

"How are you doing tonight April?"

"I'm doing great," I answered, trying to remain as collected and less nervous. "So before I get into your expectations for tonight, who are you wearing Tonight because you're killing it with your gown."

"Okay, so I'm wearing my original design," I said with a smile for the camera.

"Oh, you're a designer?" she asks looking stunned. "Yes, I am,"  I replied more confident now.

"Wow, that's incredible. Mr Wilders has good taste. So, tell me what you look forward to seeing in this launch. By the way, have you perhaps had a glimpse of the novel already? You know being the author's girlfriend..."

"I love surprises so of course I haven't read it yet. And tonight I'm looking forward to having fun and a good time."

" I hope you meet your expectations, have a great night."

"Thank you" I walked down and Desiree quickly dashed towards me. "Brilliantly said, come on, Max is greeting a few business partners and I'm supposed to keep you company."  Rolling my eyes I responded.

"I'm a big girl Desiree_ I'm pretty sure I can handle myself."

"My boss's order." I rolled my eyes. Desiree and I hung out for fifteen minutes before I reunited with Max. We randomly said hi to famous people until I saw John Grisham. "Shit is that John Grishman?" I whispered to Max as I watched from the distance.

"That's John, do you wanna say hi?" Max asks casually.

"What? No! I mean no, I just love his work so much..." I started to explain but Max had already grabbed his attention and he was heading in our direction. Can the ground like open up and swallow me? Just asking.

"John! I'm honestly honored you could make it." Max says shaking his hand.

"I couldn't have missed it for anything_"

"My girlfriend here is a huge fan of yours, even though I'm a little bit jealous, I'll let it slide," Max said as they both laughed.

"Hello, my lady." John Grisham just said hello to me. With a smile. It took me a brief moment to smile back and accept his outstretched hand.

"Hi_ I'm sorry I just have this huge addiction to your works." I managed to say.

"Which is your favorite?"

"Oh, the Street Lawyer! I've read it like a trillion times_ all the suspense in it got me at the edge."

"I'm humbled a beautiful and intelligent woman appreciates my work."

"How about we have a toast to that?" Max chirped in raising his glass of expensive champagne. Photographers leaped out from oblique angles and invincible corners and flashed lights in the darkness as people embraced the occasion.

While all that was happening, I quietly observed the life of the rich and famous. It was like a trend. It seemed one had to oblige to the demands of society and not what one wanted. Just like the fake smile I had plastered on my face, I could detect a lot more from the ladies who were elegantly dressed. Their jewelry was almost blinding.

Then, I wondered why they had fake smiles on their face when they had absolutely everything. I don't understand why they are unhappy. What are they lacking?

We arrived back at my house at 1:00 am. I was exhausted and so was Max. Placing a soft kiss on my lips, Max spoke. "Thank you for tonight."

"Why are you thinking of me?" I questioned, diving deep into his grey orbs.

"April, it takes a lot of confidence and commitment to be able to do what you did. I'm just happy that you are okay with the world knowing that you are mine. It just makes me a million times the luckiest man alive."

"Hahaha, you sure are...and a brave and persistent one at that. Thank you for never giving up on me during those times I would drive you away."

"April, my name is Maxwell and when I want something, I make sure I get it."

"Oh I see how it is, hahaha" I chuckled looking into his eyes.

"I love you April."

"I love you more Mr Wilders."

"But I loved you first," Max said cockily. I rolled my eyes and said goodbye before heading inside.

Friday night was hype! BOTS was packed and honestly, on nights like this, I worked extra hard. Wayne walked in exactly two minutes after Nine o'clock. He was looking more Bill Blass than ever and perfectly groomed. His hair was curled and pushed back. I watched as he greeted a few workers until he was at the bar. He smiled widely at me once he saw me.

"How's the night going April?"

"Great! It's been just good."

"Great, I have good news..."

"Oh really, what's up?"

"I'm increasing your weekly wage by five percent! That's, you'll be paid $600 weekly. Business is good."

"Wow! Thank you so much Wayne_" I was speechless.

"I had informed the other shift workers yesterday so they're aware of the increment already."

"Sweeet!" I exclaimed as the music boomed. I'm not going to lie this increment could change my life. With the two hundred dollars I was making, I had managed to save up sixty-three thousand dollars since I stopped paying the bills.  I am on the road to setting up my brand.  The ultimate goal. 

Mr Coleman finally called to meet up with AJ. Everything was planned out already. AJ had shared the location he sent her with Mark, which was some old hotel on the outskirts of Boston. I was very nervous about the outcome because one thing I am sure of is that Mr Coleman is Smart. If AJ manages to succeed in this, it will mean a lot to not just her, but to myself and all those other girls he had ever taken advantage of.

This could give a voice to the voiceless young girls to be able to speak out. Throughout the entire night, I stayed up. I couldn't sleep because of the nervousness. At exactly 4:30 am, I felt my eyes close but I bearly slept in when my phone rang. I quickly sat up and grabbed it from my nightstand. It was Mark.

"Yes, anything from AJ?" I asked immediately I answered the call.

"Yes, I just got off the line with her,"


"She was successful, I told her to stop by the police station tomorrow."

"Oh thank Goodness! That's a relief. I was so worried. So once you get home of the evidence you'll finally be able to lock him up?"


"Finally!" I mumbled.

"I'll feed you up with whatever information we receive later. For now, AJ won't be active on campus but as soon as we have him in custody, she'll be present for graduation."

"That's okay. I'll talk to you later Mark." I said before I hung up. I needed to rest before it was time to get up.

Graduation is only in a few weeks. I wasn't nervous, no. I'm anticipating it. How is my life gonna be after school? Would I be able to put up my brand? Would it be successful? I'm anxious about it all. I've always wanted this and now that I'm just a step toward achieving all of that, I just don't know if it's worth it since Dad isn't here anymore.

Thank you all so much.
Peace ✌️🏾

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