new romantics'

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All Original HP characters belong to
J.K. Rowling 😒

Social Media x Real Life

- Everyone still goes to Hogwarts but I dont know a lot about their magic so I'll have to research a lot but if something doesn't make sense it actually does, you're just losing your mindddd!!!

- THERE IS NO DARK LORD, just Tom Riddle 😊

- Everyone is in their 6th year, I don't like making everyone in different years because its just so confusing (and I have short term memory)

- Some people are siblings

- I promise I'll try my best to focus on every character

- I say go along with the flow?

- Some things might be out of place but thats just your mind playing tricks on you!

- This story is perfect, everythings right and in order!

- Some people might have mutiple face claims 😊

- Face claims below will only be of my original characters

- If you enjoy this please vote and comment, i love seeing your guys reactions to certain parts in the chapters!

- If you enjoy this please vote and comment, i love seeing your guys reactions to certain parts in the chapters!

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Sofia Zabini
twin sister to blaise
main ig: sofiazabini spam:zabsinurmom

'the best people in life are free'

Esther Mitchtwin sister to ameliamain ig: estherm spam: estherbicth

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Esther Mitch
twin sister to amelia
main ig: estherm
spam: estherbicth

'tears of mascarea in the bathroom'

Amelia Mitchtwin sister to esthermain ig: ameliam spam: ameliabicth

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Amelia Mitch
twin sister to esther
main ig: ameliam
spam: ameliabicth

'life is just a classrom'

Pansy Parkison
main ig: pansyparkison
spam: pansandpots

Draco Malfoy
main ig: dracomalfoy
spam: blondfoy

Hermione Granger
main ig: hermiongranger
spam: whormione

Ginny Weasly
main ig: ginnyweasly
spam: ginonrocks

Daphne Greengrass
main ig: daphnegg
spam: daphintheoz

Luna Lovegood
main ig: lunalovegood
spam: lunny

Theodore Nott
main ig: theodorenott
spam: nottforyou

Harry Potter
main ig: harrypotter
spam: potterbox

Ron Weasly
main ig: ronaldw
spam: mcronald

Blaise Zabini
main ig: blaisezabini
spam: blaisinghot

Nevillie Longbottom
main ig: nevillielongb
spam: nevlb

Cedric Diggory
main ig: cedricdigg
spam: diggupced

oh hey y'all
fun fact i changed sofia to blaise sister last minute, her last name was originally glebur and esther & amelia were supposed to be her cousins

New Romantics, Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now