rumors are terrible and cruel

754 10 5

dress shopping

you guys this book took a complete turn on what i was going for, im sorry but maybe ill make a sequel 🫣

Sofia woke up early enough to see the sunrise, and get ready for her day, today was dress shopping.

Sofia was excited, she knew exactly what kind of dress she wanted.
A white, sparkly dress that showed just enough that was appropriate.

Ever since the girls break up with Theodore all she's been thinking about is what she could've done to prevent it.
Was she not pretty enough or was she simply just not enough?

Of course the break up was bad but they were only dating for about two months so she knew it wasn't going to take her long to get over him, but she also knew deep down that she dreamt for so long that her and theo were going to be endgame.

Maybe in another life she keeps telling herself, "Hopefully in another life"
But for this life she had to focus on someone who would treat her the way she deserves to be treated.

Oliver Wood and her have been friends for awhile. Of course they were never that close but since they've been friends for years no one batted an eye when they started growing closer over the last week but Sofia knows that she's not ready for another relationship, at least not right now.

Daphne and Sofia left the Zabini manor and met up with the rest of the girls at the coffee shop and then off to go dress shopping.

"So" Pansy started
"You and Oliver?" She questioned Sofia

"Nothing, he's really nice but my mind is still on Theo" she answered

As the girls kept chatting and eating it was time for them to go dress shopping.

"Oh my Lord Hermione that looks perfect on you" Ginny said to the girl who was wearing a green simple dress that fitted her perfectly.

None of the girls actually wanted a typical "Ball dress", they wanted something that would make them feel sexy yet appropriate and comfortable, not to mention their mothers also told them to not wear a ball dress knowing they weren't going to anyways.

As the rest of the girl tried on multiple different dresses and picked their perfect ones, it was finally Sofia's turn.

Sofia tried on what had to be 10 different dresses, none of them fitting her right, she wanted to give up.

"Ugh all these dresses look terrible on me, I just won't go" She complained

"You have one more to try, go on" Daphne snapped on her like a big sister

But Thank God she did, this dress was beautiful, every detail Sofia wanted for her dress, she almost started crying.

"Oh how I cant wait for the Ball" Said Luna

Theodore - Sofi

You & Oliver?


Just heard a rumor going around

How about you mind your business and I'll mind mines

Why are you being like this

Like what?
Like I'm texting the person who was cheating on me our whole relationship??

Not the whole relationship

Oh sorry
Just the last two weeks of it

Im sorry Sofia
What else do you want me to say?

I want you to say nothing

i know i said if the 9ers lost I won't finish the book but im too excited for this sequel.
book is ending this week!! honestly prob tmr 😋

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