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(AN: I would like to note that its been almost 3-4 months

she's been here, nearly five)

Waking up early I awoke to a light knock on the my door I woke up groggy. Rolling out of my bed, I opened the door to see Lady Danbury. Quickly wiping my face and fixing my hair I smiled at her. "Hi Lady Danbury is everything alright?" She smiled at me. "Why yes I came to tell you that I'm going to the park with Violet, she said she'd bring Colin if you wanted to join." I smiled brightly and nodded my head. "Give me 20 minutes.

Walking to my mirror I fixed my low curly ponytail

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Walking to my mirror I fixed my low curly ponytail. I smiled and put in my flower clip. Then I slipped on my pink shoes, and put my pink overcoat. I smiled at my put together outfit and made my way down the stairs. "Lady Danbury I am ready to go." She turned to me and smiled at my outfit, and smiled and then Simon helped me down the stairs, "You look great, now come on."

We walked to the carriage and Simon helped Danbury and I in the carriage.Riding through the streets of London I loved looking at the scenery. Once we arrived I was surprised at the side of my door opening.

No ones POV

MANY OF THE TON was in the park. As Colin walked with his mother and sister he became excited to see the Danbury carriage. "I'll be back." he then quickly ran to the carriage and open the door for a surprised Anissa. When she realized who it was she smiled, Colin held out his hand and he helped her down.

"You were quite eager to promenade with me huh," Anissa smirked at a blushing Colin. "I was excited, sue me, but how can you blame me, I couldn't stay away from such a beautiful woman." She hit his chest with a laugh.

Strolling through the park Anissa couldn't help but notice the people staring at the two, but she didn't quite care. Colin had stopped us and we sat on a bench still in the eye line of Lady Danbury and Violet.

"What are you doing for the rest of the day." Anissa made a thinking face and tapped her lips. "I was going to do more some more sketches and paintings work on different, why?" she lifted her eyes to him and smiled.

He was enchanted by the woman in front of him. "Well I was wondering if you'd accompany me back to my home and converse with some of my siblings in a diff-" she could see Colin was struggling, Anissa put a finger to his lips to stop him.

But not to far away two mothers discussed the romance brewing between their two children. "He is smiling," Violet giggled as she looked at Colin converse with Anissa. "Anissa has a great sense of humor, she is always making the staff around the estate laugh."

"How does it feel having her around?" Violet asked. "Honestly it's quite nice, her and Dalia have really brought a new life to my estate it is refreshing." Violet looked at the to Danbury, "You should try to spend more time with your daughter, get to know." We go back to the conversation of Anissa and Colin.

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