𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅

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I WAS NOT GOING to be kidnapped, so as the bandits started to ride away I sent kicks to the horse I was on and the horse to the left of me and they went crazy, the shoes I had on were pretty pointy. Then I fell off and they I head more horses. "Unhand the Princess of Italy.

Groaning while trying to sit up I looked over my shoulders and the guards and my brothers! And once the pirates saw them, they took off with the royal guards chasing them. I them sat up and when my brothers were right in front of me hugging me. "Oh sister were so-" I cut them off though.

"Love the reunion and all, but can you untie me so I can go get married, like now!" They were quick to cut me loose from my restraints. I got up with little difficulty and brushed myself off.

"Sister are you sure you still want to get married," I put a hand up and walked over to Daniel and he was getting medical attention from a doctor they brought, and the other guards were fine, so I hoped on one of my brothers horses and Ren hopped on me and we were off.

Upon arriving to the castle I was practically yanked off the horse by my father and pulled into a hug with my mother they bother squeezed the life out of me.

EVERYONE WAS CONVERSING AND I WAS just passing the floor. Then when of the staff came in and up to me, and whispered, "The princess has returned-" he couldn't finish before I took off down the aisle to see my woman.

Arriving to her suit I was about tot enter when Lady Danbury stopped, "Ah, ah she's getting ready, the ceremoy will begin soon so leave. "But I want to see her to make sure she's ok."

Before Lady Danbury could answer I heard her, "Colin, darling I'm quite fine, I will see you soon, alright?" I sighed and gave a look to Lady Danbury and then said, "Of course my love I will see you soon," I then walked away.

I WAS STILL GETTING READY when suddenly my door was thrown open and Dalia waddled in with her husband in tow. "Your majesty thank you so much for saving our child." I smiled and hugged the loved couple. "She's my best friend I'd do anything for her, no go I've got to get married."

They laughed and left and I finally had put my dress on, and it was time to get MARRIED!!

ANISSA WALKED OUT of her suite to the double doors leading to the wedding. Everyone inside sat in anticipation and the groom paced. The family on both sides were scared and happy Anissa was safe. Penelope who sat in the balcony of the church was clearly upset and then the music began and the doors open. (play the song above) First came Gregory and following him was Hectic in a beautiful gown littering the

The doors opened revealing Anissa in all her royal glory. Her father and mother on her left and right. The began their descend down the aisle. As friends and family shedded tears, those weren't the only tears shed. Because as we look at our groom, his face adorned a multitude of tears cascading down his face.

As the reached the end of the aisle Anissa's father put her hand in Colins. He didn't waste a moment before yanking her into his arms and squeezing the life out of her. But after their moment the official began the ceremony. As he spoke the two couldn't help but gaze into each others eyes, with a love that couldn't be describe.

"Now does anyone reject to this union-" there was a slam and everyone turned their head to see a red faced Penelope in the door way fuming. "I object, I object 100%" Anissa huffed and rolled her eyes.

Handing her bouquet to Colin, Anissa met Penelope in the aisle. "Listen you. will never marry Colin he loves me, we love each other, so get over it, if he had to choose me and its not because of status of money, its because he truly, truly loves me, so I hope one day you'll find that, but until then you stay away from my man, I will not say this again." I turned to the guards and snapped my fingers, "Take Ms.Featherington back to her seat and keep her there." Sh screamed and kicked behind me, but I kept walking.

Reaching Colin again the ceremony continued. After our vows were said and the rings were exchanged, I heard the words I'd been waiting for. "I pronounce you man and wife you may kiss your-" Colin didn't let finish before I was dipped and brought into a knee buckling kiss.

When we broke apart and the applause in the church grew louder and louder. I was about to walk down the aisle, but I was yanked back by my husband and hoisted into the air and we began our descent down the aisle.

We were now gathered at our reception with our family and friends and then it was announced for us to have our first dance, so everyone cleared the dance floor and Colin and I couldn't take our eyes off each other.

Our dance ended ended we shared another kiss and I was then attacked into a hug by Dalia. "Oh I am so happy for you Ani, you better make. her happy or I'll get you Colin and I'm not kidding." I laughed at her and Colin laughed a little too and said, "I'd rather die then hurt an angel."

Kissing his cheek we left Dalia and made our way around the room and ended up at my father and mother. "Ah darling you make such a beautiful bride, I am so happy for you." I smiled at her. "Thank you mother and father is everything ready?" He smiled at me and nodded his head. 

Colin gave me a look and I waved him off, I'd explain later. We then chatted with Queen Charlotte and then with his mother. "I am so glad you are finally you are a Bridgerton!" She exclaimed pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "I am glad as well, I have another mother, it makes me very happy." We continued to dance and eat. And with so many  conversation and glasses of wine it was time to lave. 

Colin once again hoisted me up I the air, "I can walk darling." He leaned  in so our nose were touching. "Now why would let my beautiful walk when I can carry her." That melted my heart I gave him a big smooch as our friends and family cheered us on as we walked to our carriage. 

Standing one the step of the carriage I held my bouquet and tossed it and I heard woman yell, I turned around and saw a red Eloise and I winked as I sat down into the carriage.

"Well husband you ready to see our new home?" I asked, he nodded hiss head. "Do we really have our kingdom?" I laughed and pulled out a map. "See this us, good ole England. And all the way over here is us, for some reason my father owns the territory, so there is a small village, we basically have jobs like a duke and duchess just with higher status. Understand?" I asked tilting my head.

"Uh, I understand I'm quite excited to be frank, we'll have a great life," he said as he reached to hold my hand. "I love you and I can't wait to begin our lives together." He kissed my forehead and I leaned it on his shoulder as he rubbed my hand.

To arrive to our home, it'd take about a day maybe a little llless, but I had drank so much wine, well not that much the activities of the day was tiring as well that I passed out. Feeling the carriage shake, I awoke from my slumber to see Colin arms wrapped secularly as he slept.

Turning my head to him, the sun caught him perfectly and I couldn't help but smile. Kissing his jaw he stirred, so I continued my attack down his neck and he let out a groan, his arm. tightened around me and I let out a giggle. 

Looking up to his sac his eyes fluttered open and I smiled, "Husband you must awaken, we'll arrive soon, you don't want to miss our grand welcome from our subjects do you?" I was then pulled onto his lap and  hugged to his chest. I'm happy that we had time to change, I put on a simple dress and Colin had a similar attire.

"What welcome-" before he could finish we heard music sound and I laughed as he peaked his head out the window and I saiid, "You'll see."

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