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... aren't you Ollie?" I stuttered in pure confusion as I thought he was a good person, but kidnapping someone sure is the opposite of a good person.
"Remember I told you you will be safe soon darling? Well now you're safe, with me" he said in a very seductive voice.. it turned me on-
He put the rag that was once blocking my voice from speaking back in. I raised an eye brow looking up at him in confusion.
"It's okay, I won't hurt you at all, well, depending in what way." With a smirk on his face, his words didn't change my mind that he's a good person. How can he kidnap someone when he's an officer himself? I tried to ask him something but the rag was in the way
"Let me help you love" he took the rag out my mouth once again and I spat on his face
"Don't call me love when you've kidnapped me. You're a cop why the fuck are you kidnapping someone?" I said in a very stern tone so he knew I was not impressed by his actions. He used his shirt to wipe the spit and looked at me with a clutched jaw and evil eyes.
"You wished you never did that. I'm helping you right now. Don't wanna thank me then you can be in here alone in the dark" he walked away and turned the light off and started walking up the stairs, I had to show I wasn't scared of him or what he was doing but deep down, locking me down here which who knows where I am in the dark scares me. As he was walking up he stopped and looked back at me who was on the floor 14 steps lower than him, just tied to a chair.
"Oh and you can scream all you want ma, this room is like an anechoic chamber, you won't be heard, if that makes sense" he then walked back up and shut the door after leaving and I could hear the door lock. Who tf he calling ma after locking me in a dark cold room in the middle of nowhere? Fucking whore.

I woke up after falling asleep because honestly I was getting pretty fucking bored. It only felt like a few hours went by. I looked around the room and it was darker then before but I was still able to slightly see different parts of the room if they were close to me. I looked down at my lap and had a thought of trying to get loose of the hand cuffs and rope that's tied around my ankles to the chair, I know it's probably impossible considering how tight and thick the rope is, but what do I have to loose? I started by trying to push my legs away from the chair then I lifted them upwards to see if there's any loose bits in the rope I could possibly try make bigger to slip my foot out but unfortunately; Ollie knew exactly what his smart ah was doing. I tried to do the same but for my wrist as they were tied to the chair with the rope and again I had no hope. -This bitch Ollie really knows how to make someone want to kts more- was all I could think of, those same words over and over repeating in my head as I dreaded for him to unlock the door and turn the light on.

Not even 10mins went past and I heard the keys of the door unlock, I jumped a bit becuase it was out of no where but the door opened and I heard footsteps coming down. At least Ollie didn't forget I was here. He turned the lights on and he screamed, then I screamed.
"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my brothers basement?"
"Oh that's your brother? Ollie?" The guy nodded.
"He kidnapped me. I think you should report him to the police." I simply stated seeing his brothers face drop
"He is the police though. If I report him for something he will get me arrested instead. I ain't risking my life for no woman Ion know. Just know he rough in the bed so I pray for your ability to walk" he said out of stupidity and picked something up and simply left the room leaving the light on. I would have never guessed Ollie had a brother but his brother seemed weird? Not in a rude way but it he seemed like a genuine idiot who is quite oblivious and a stereotypical 'dumb blonde'. Well that's got to be one of the weirdest interactions and most awkward I've had in a while.

(Ollie's POV)

My idiot brother Jacob came into the kitchen of our house. We live together but he does all of the house work while I go out and make the money.
"You have a girl in your basement. I find that a bit pedoish"
"I think I know that I have someone there" I said slapping my face
"mm well why is she there? Are you gonna invite her in the house for a cup of tea maybe?" I rolled my eyes and glared at him
"Wha.. what do I say? Why you looking at me like that?" Is this cunt serious?
"Just stfu your special or something I swear" he shrugged and went back upstairs. Idk if I should fuck Sam first or explain why I kidnapped her. Both sound pretty good to me so I'll go with the first option.

I looked over at the time and almost gave myself a heart attack. I didn't realise I left Sam in the basement alone in the pure darkness for 9 hours now with no food or knowledge of where she is or what the time was. I got up and Walked to the back door, grabbing the keys to the basement on the way from the key holder and I went outside and unlocked the door and walked down the steps quickly. Sam was sitting there looking up at me.
"How did you turn the light on?" I asked she just rolled her eyes
"Your brother came in. He left it on" she sounded pissed, I could tell that by her tone.
"listen Sam I'm so sorry for leaving you in here. I didn't realise 9 hours went by that fast-"
"9?! ONLY 9?" She shouted cutting me off. Maybe she expected it to have been a day gone past.
"Well yes.."
"What's the time?" I pulled my phone out my pocket
"It's 12.04am, you should get to sleep." She looked at me blankly
"You expect me to sleep tied up to a chair in this cold room?" She questioned. She was right, I didn't think about that when I 'kidnapped' her.
"Mhm deal with it" she was honestly left speechless that I told her to just sleep in here on the chair. I couldn't care less. There was no way she was coming into the house yet until ik I can trust her not a runaway from here or snitch on me to another cop.
"So I'm meant to just sleep here?" I nodded and turned around facing my back to her
"Yep. Sleep well princess" I turned the lights off and walked up the stairs, locking the door to the basement as I went out going back into my house to go to bed.

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