The diner

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Sam's POV

Ollie picked me up just as we planned at where he dropped me off.
'How was ur business?'
'How was your shopping?'
'Hey I asked first' I joked around and he shrugged.
'Focused on inventing a new product, I think it may work. Anyways how was your day? You bought quite a lot, must've been fun.' He noticed all the bags I put in the back seats of the car.
'Yeah.. I kinda spent a lot more than I thought. Sorry about that.' I really wasn't sorry.
'You're all good, I have plenty of cash lying around' he joked, I know it wasn't a joke though, I've seen money laid around his house everywhere.

'I'm thinking tonight I make some dinner while you show me all the things you bought. I'm interested.' I smiled as no one has ever been excited to know anything of me, or what I may like. We got in the house and we went into the kitchen. Going past the living room there was stacks of money.
'Why is there a whole pile of money?'
'Oh my bad, I forgot to put it away I was just counting my saving towards inventing a product to make sure I have enough.'
'Oh do you have enough? Looks like a lot there' I questioned out of curiosity. He nodded and continued to walk into the kitchen.

He put the stove on while chopping up some vegs.
'Wanna show me?' I smiled while pulling out all the clothes, accessories, etc. It took more then 30mins just to show and explain to him why I needed all these items and I got one of  the last products out which was the phone.
'And I bought this phone' I took it out the bag and Ollie's eyes looked furious.
'Why did you buy a phone?'
'I know it's expensive but you know.. still want a social life.'
'Or to text or call someone, tell them where you are? Who you gonna call? Why the heck did you buy a phone?' The aggression in his tone made me feel uncomfortable as he was walking towards me.
'I'm sorry I seriously just wanted something nice, when you go to work, at least something to do or play games or watch socials. I'm sorry I didn't know it would be a problem' I tried to convince him I wasn't going to use it against him, I only meant to have it for my spare time.
'If I catch you, or see you doing anything other then what you just said to me, you will never be able to have one again you hear me?' Why was he being so rude and over protective in a horrible way.
'Yeah' I replied bluntly. I wasn't in the mood anymore to show him anything else, I just put everything in the bags in silence and went upstairs in his bedroom to put the clothes and everything else aside. I spent the next hour setting up my phone until I heard Ollie call me down for dinner. I just sat on his bed choosing to ignore him.

He called me multiple times to come down and every time I continued to ignore him. I heard foot steps up the stairs to the bedroom.
'Did you hear me? Dinners ready' he asked in a soft tone. I continued to look at my phone ignoring him.
'Is this about the phone incident? C'mon, I'm sorry I'm just hoping you won't leave me or get me in trouble.'
'Mhm' I turned the phone off and got up looking through him as if he wasn't there and went downstairs into the kitchen. I sat at the table as he placed my food Infront of me.
'I'm sorry I mean it.' I just nodded at his words and started to eat.

I forgave him during watching a movie after getting ready for bed. He kissed me on the forehead and turned on his side with his back facing me as we said goodnight.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked at my phone to read 3:29am. Jeez this was early. I got up slowly to
Not wake Ollie up and went into the bathroom and as I was washing my hands I saw a note left on the counter.
'Clean shed morning'
It was probably a reminder for Ollie to do it today. He was quite busy coming up with inventing something for his business along with cooking me dinner. I was wide away and knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I went down stairs to his shed to surprise him in the morning that it will already be clean by the time he wakes up. I've never been in his shed before.

I walked in and straight away I could smell the air, the strong smell of weed. I turned the light on and found dozens of containers and bags of drugs and weed leaves hanging up, ready to be cut into bud. There was mess on the counters of left over weed and unorganised jars and misplaced items. I shook my head, is his side business being a drug dealer? That would explain him not wanting me home, and the cash left out, even around the place. The Molly he takes, he must also sell, and the fact he's an officer makes him more successful to get away with this type of dealing considering no one would expect it, especially from him.

A thought came in mind to still clean the shed up so Ollie would know I cleaned it and know what he's been lying to me about and doing behind my back, which is drug dealing. I started by putting the left over bud in one of the containers while putting the rest away. I put the siccors back on the hooks and placed the jars with weed in them on the window sill where the others were. I cleaned up the counter and floor so it's was nice and clean, moving things around so there's more space. I wiped down the bench and counter with some disinfecting wipes to make sure it's squeaky clean. I found air freshener on the shelf above the bench and sprayed a little in the room to hopefully wear out the weed smell, also opening the windows slightly to get the smell out more.

Turning the light off, I went back into the house and the time was 4:56am. Geez that's over a hour. Ollie would be up soon to get ready for work so I quietly went up the stairs to go back into the room and into the bed quietly. As I reached the door Ollie was standing there at the bed.
'Where were you?' He questioned in an exhausted voice.
'Sorry, I was thirsty so I went down to grab a drink.' He nodded and went into the bathroom as I hopped into the bed. My energy wore off for sometime so I shut my eyes once again.

Ollie's POV

Sam wasn't by my side as I woke up, I was afraid she may have used her phone to call someone. I got up and turned the light on but her phone was still here. I heard soft foot steps coming up the stairs and Sam was there.
'Where were you?' I asked still half asleep, sounding exhausted.
'Sorry, I was thirsty so I went down to grab a drink' I just nodded and went in the bathroom as she went to sleep again. The note id left myself there the previous night to clean the shed up was still in its place. I got ready for the day and when I left the bathroom, kissed Sam on the forehead to hope she has a good day.

Turning the light on in the shed, my heart dropped. Everything was cleaned up, the windows were slightly open, the weed smell had disappeared and the counter was cleaner than ever. I counted all the substances to make sure none were missing, every single one was still in this room, I was asleep when Sam was awake, she must've seen the note and come in to clean it.

'Sam wake up!' I shook her awake and she looked at my rubbing her eyes.
'Aren't you meant to be at work?' She questioned me and I looked over at the time, yes, it was 6:00am, I should be leaving.
'Did you go into the shed?' She nodded without an expression and closed her eyes again.
'Sam, I beg. Do not report it, do not do anything stupid ple-' she had cut me off by getting up and yelling.
'So is this ur 'business?' Selling drugs? Being a drug dealer though your a cop? Is that why you didn't want me home yesterday? So you could so this behind my back? Is this why you're so rich and have cash everywhere? Gosh dam it answer me Ollie!' I was speechless because she was right.
'I..' she raised an eyebrow and shook her head going back into the bed as I was against the wall generally suprised that she actually stands up for herself. I knew nothing could get her to forgive me, or even look at me especially this early in the morning so I just went bathroom once again before leaving the house for work.

Same POV

Considering waking up through the night, I woke up much later in the day around 3pm and went bathroom and made myself something to eat. I made the bed up and got dressed into something cosy and just sat on my phone.

An idea wasn't leaving my mind, no matter how hard I tried, it was not leaving. The thought was to go in the shed and have some Molly, I wanna know how it feels to have it. My intrusive thoughts won and I picked a packet of molly out of the shed and took it with me into the kitchen. I was looking at it for sometime and searched up the side effects and how dangerous it may be. It hit 4pm by the time I finished everything and Ollie comes home at 4:30. I had the drug and sat on the sofa waiting for the effect to kick in, let's see if Ollie can handle me now shall we?

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