Chapter 34
"So movie night!" Mia calls out as we gather onto the sectional with sky and I taking the comfortable right corner so we can both stretch out. The twins had not cooked us a simple dinner like Alice had stated. Instead the room smelt like lemon chicken, fries rice and Asian mixed vegetables with a pile of spring rolls waiting for our return after a shower and a change of clothes. They also made the men do the dishes which amused me the most. Watching Max and Adam – two men built close to body builders – hunch over the sink cleaning the diner dishes was the most amusing thing to have happened since my return to the Palace.
"What are the options?" I ask, stealing a spring roll off of Sky's plate and quickly shoving the whole thing into my mouth. It is hard to chew it as I try my best to smile innocently at Sky who sighs and pokes my full cheeks, commenting that I look like a chipmunk.
"Option one from about two hundred and fifty years ago, the Harry Potter Series." Lia chimes in, motioning the pile of seven movie sitting on the edge of the coffee table. I laugh, watching as Lia begins to take the first movie – Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone. I movie full of magic and a revolution at the end. Seems fitting to what I am dealing with right now.
"What the other option?" Sky asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pressing a kiss on my forehead.
"Did we miss something?" Adam asks from the floor, deciding that sitting on a cushion at Alice's feet was a comfortable Idea. Someone has a crush.
"Alli and I are going on a date after the ball her grandparents are throwing." Sky shrugs, making me blush.
"Saw it coming, you all owe me ten dollars." Alice yells, the rest of the group groaning.
"Except me. We are splitting that." Ellisia smugly laughs out.
"Back on topic please." I call back, motioning for Lia who stares between Sky and I for a moment before returning back to the movie selection
"Mister heart throb Damen Mathews staring in Darlings of the Forest." Lia hands me a tablet with the movie already opened up. Sky reads out the synopsis of the movies, a love feud between a Werewolf Pack and a Fae clan where the Daughter of the Fae Queen is mated to the Son of the Alpha of the Pack. My face scrunches at the cliché story line, thinking about how it reminds me of something else, something I can't place my finger on.
"No." Ellisia and I both groan out, getting what sounds like a literal growl of frustration from Mia.
"I prefer the timeless tale of Harry Potter." Ellisia takes a sip of her tea after throwing in her vote.
"Oh come on! It's a classic Romeo and Juliet type romance. The Moon Goddess takes pity on them and they are reborn in the end as new creatures." She protests, trying to convince us all into watching the love sick movie.
"I vote the wizarding world." I shrug, handing back the tablet to Lia who gives me a high five. Three for Harry Potter, one for Darlings of the Forest.
"Kinda gotta go with Mia. D.o.F. for me." Alice places her vote, getting a cheer from Mia. Lia sticks her tongue out at her as the movie vote comes to a tie.
"I want Harry Potter. We have seven movies we can watch with this series." Sky chuckles out, grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch and throwing it over us. Alec and Max throw in their own votes to Harry Potter. Even with Adam and Mika voting with Alice and Mia, the vote was in our favor and Mia reluctantly put on Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone.
The lights dim as the movie begins, causing me to look around the room in shock.
"A function with televisions." Sky reassure me, pulling me closer to him. Something in my mind seems to click with this new information as my vision blurs for a moment.
"Tomorrow is your birthday Alli cat, why do you want to watch a movie so late at night?" It was that boy again as we snuck through the halls in our pajamas, my hand clutched in his. We have to be quiet as we make our way to the cinema room or risk being caught. My parent's and his Knight would not approve of us being out of our room so late at night.
"I don't want a party. They are all about being a doll and I don't get to have any fun." My small child voice replies. I hate parties. Everyone invited wans to fawn over me or my parents. If they can't get to me, they visit my cousin and she adores the attention as a Princess. She is third in line for the throne if something happens to me and my parents.
"The parties do suck. You have to behave and that Nanny yells at you if you complain." He agrees with a laugh, an easy going smile on his lips. We manage to quietly sneak into the cinema room where we make pop corn and see what candy we can find before my friend carefully helps me to the nearest seat, the tablet to choose a movie in his hand.
"What movie do you want to watch?" The boy asks, throwing a blanket over us to stay warm.
"Cinderella!" He smiles at my response and puts the movie on before we cuddle under the blanket together...
The memory fades and I find the world returning to normal. Looking around the room a little disoriented, I find Sky looking at me, his worry filled eyes filling with relief when I look back at him.
"Memories?" He whispers as I rest my head onto his shoulder. I nod, realizing that this time I had saw more of the boy. His smile seems so familiar to me, like I have seen it recently, but I can't place it.
"It was of the boy. He and I, we watched Cinderella the night before the rebellion." Sky's response to this is to pull me tighter to him, reassuring me that one day I will remember everyone and all I can do is take each day in strides before we return our focus to the movie. We were just at the part where Harry and that blonde kid from the snake house are walking in the forest. Sky catches me up on what I missed when I zoned into memory lane as we call it and it turns out they had gotten detention. Fun.
I find my mind wandering as I think about that boy. With every new memory unlocked, his feature become clearer and clearer. It's like my brain is trying to protect him. From what, I don't know.
The movie comes to an end and the lights slowly turning back on. Adam and Mia argue over putting on another movie but I cut them off, stating Sky, Mika, Alec and I have has a long day and need sleep. If they want to choose another movie, they can, but the Harry Potter series will be finished as a group. After getting those two to stop fighting, Sky and I say our good nights and leave the Amethyst Lounge as I call it, making our way to our own rooms.
"Do you want me to stay the night in case you have night mares?" Sky asks, pulling me into his arms when we make it in front of our doors.
"I think tonight I will be fine. But if not, I know where to find you." I listen to him let out a quiet sigh. I know this answer is disappointing after agreeing to date, but tonight I need to be alone. I need to dream of my memories and if Sky is there, I wont remember anything.
"Okay. I am just across the hall if you need me." His fingers gently press against my chin, his lips finding mine as a sweet and gentle kiss is pressed onto them. My heart skips a beat as I kiss him back and with reluctance, we pull away. He watches me go into my room, his green eyes shining with affection as I close the door with a shy smile.
I know that I need to talk to my grandparents now, to get things in motion if I want to make sure the Nobles can't disapprove of mine and Sky's relationship. Climbing into bed, I instantly miss the scent of Sky's body wash and realize that I am hopelessly falling for him and falling hard.

From Prisoner To Princess [amazon edition]
RomanceAlone and with no memories prior to age six, Allison has spent the last fourteen years growing up in the slums of Zalaris, the capitol city of Nimairene. She has learned to steal and con the wealthy to survive, always getting away until one day her...