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Today, hundreds of authors woke up to this email from KDP, including myself. What this is is a message from the back end of Amazon letting us know that some unscrupulous authors hired massive companies to "read" their novels in boosting their sales for Kindle Unlimited. These companies have 100's of 1000's tablets and Kindle accounts, and what they do is flip through these authors' novels to boost sales and sales ranking. To help disguise this, these companies grab books from similar genres to do the same so that their "clients" don't recieve much back lash, using us ligitimate authors who are working hard to make a living as scape goats to muddy their shady business.

Because of this, Amazon sends these vague emails about "irregularities" and take a percentage from the previous months royalties wich we don't even see until 2 months later [in this case we won't get our earnings in November until January 29th] ranging between 1% to 5%. Some authors barely see a difference, while others may lose half their revenue, and the worst part is that, as authors, there is NOTHING we can do about it.

So for all those book lovers out there, please support your favourite authors - especially us indie authors - if you can as many of *us* are working bard to make an honest career out of writing and having a hard time trying to figgure out what we will do for January.

My heart goes out to my fellow authors who received this email, and I pray we get through this hurdle together.

P.S: If any of my fans have Kindle Unlimited, many of my books that you all know and love, including "The Rejection Series" and "The Run" are on KU and it would mean the world to me if you could read them on there as well as any indie/self published authors books as well!

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