Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

"Do you want to tell me what that was all about Alli?" Curled up in Sky's lap, the two of us sit in the green house surrounded by flowers. During my small breakdown, Sky scooped me into his arms and rushed me to the safety of the Royal Gardens and right to the green house. I cried as he did this, finally grieving for the life I lost when Demitrias came and took me from that prison. How I stole and conned to survive and save up enough to leave the City Zalaris and move to the country. I cried and cried for God knows how long before I was left trying to catch my breath and Sky comforted me until I could breath normally again.

"I guess everything finally hit me all at once." Closing my eyes, I listen to the steady beating of his heart, feeling exhausted after my break down.

"I went from a Princess to an amnesiac child in the Slums then back to a Princess with a Kingdom in shambles all because of a greedy man." My lips quiver as the pain I feel deep inside my soul washes over me again and I take a deep breath, focusing my mind on the sounds of a fountain nearby.

"I had a plan. I was ready to leave this place for good and not care about anything in this City. Its why I stole. Those jewels and money were my ticket out." Sky listens as his hold on me tightens, his comforting silence all I need right now.

"Do you regret it? Regret coming back here?" After some time passes, Sky asks his questions. I can hear the slight hint of fear in his voice as if asking the questions were something he did not want to ask. Sighing, I think about my answer for a moment and wonder if I regret coming back here. If I regret taking control of my birth right and fixing this Kingdom.

"No. I will never regret coming back." Pulling away to look into his eyes, I feel my answer and resolve solidify. Coming back meant meeting Sky and finding answers to questions I asked myself for fourteen years.

"It might have been against my will when Demitrias took me from that prison, but everything after wards was my decision."

"I am glad you don't regret it Alli." Placing a kiss on my forehead, Sky tucks my head under his chin and lets out a sigh. We enjoy the silence, my heart feeling lighter since talking to Sky. As much as I miss my old life as Allison of the Slums, I will not regret taking back my life as Princess Allisara. The people need me. They need the changes that I have always dreamt of happening. Without me, Nimairene would collapse under Juden's rule.

"Can we go to bed?" I ask, pulling away from Sky and yawning.

"Yes, we can go to bed." Chuckling, I slowly climb off his lap and stand, stretching as I do so. Sky takes my hand when I am done and we make our way back towards the Palace. What ever is about to be thrown at me because of Juden and his me, I will take it in strides. I survived his assassination attempt fourteen years ago, survived the Slums and Prison. Hell, I just survived being poisoned. I am a survivor and if there is one thing I know how to do, it's fight to survive. And that is what I will do.

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