01. The Past

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A three year old little girl ran up the bank of the river. The woman sitting underneath the pine tree smiled.

"Mama, look what LeLe found!"

A boy of the same age ran towards the woman.

"What did she find, Andres?"

The girl opened her arms to show her mother the tattered daisy in her hands.

"Awhh.." The girl frowned on seeing the bad condition of the flower.

"What did you do, LeLe?"

The boy looked at her angrily.

"I didn't do anything."

Tears started filling up her eyes.

"Come on, now." Alexandria Hartwell said as she wiped the girl's cheeks. "Don't blame your sister, Andres."

"But she- she broke it."

"Flowers are very delicate, my sweet child. Especially, daisies." She looked at the twins. "How about you pick me one more?"

The kids didn't even hear their mother's last words before they sprinted down to the bank of the river to find another flower for their mother.

Alexandria smiled as she looked at her children as her phone rang all of a sudden. Expecting it to be one of her students, she put the phone up to her ear.

"This is Professor Hartwell."

"They know."

The gruntled voice of a man spoke on the other side of the phone as the smile was wiped off her face

"Lex, they know. They found out. Where are you?"

"Found out? How?"

She stood up from her place.

"Doesn't matter. Where are you?"

"Cambridge. The park. Where we always bring the kids for their birthday."

"I'm on my way."

In the whirlpool of trying to pack all the things she had brought to the park for a picnic, she missed the woman who was speaking to the kids. Soon enough her long cape started to open up and form wings as the Fury took her original form.

Upon hearing the kids scream, Alexandria turned around. The Fury was pointing a sword at the boy who stood with his arms spread in front of the terrified girl. The mother ran as fast as she could to her kids, praying to Poseidon himself, hoping he'd arrive faster.

Only, he didn't.

By the time Poseidon had warped to the riverside, the scene was nothing less than a crime scene. The mother was laying in a pool of her own blood with a huge gash wound of her own blood. Her eyes still. Her lungs breatheless. The boy was laying on top of the girl, both covered in blood, with a mean slash on his back.

Poseidon rushed towards the woman who bore his children. He held a finger to her pulse point but none could be found. He was a little too late. The Fury screeched on seeing the Lord Poseidon himself. He looked up from the lifeless corpse of the woman he loved.

"Tell your master he'll pay for this."

And with a slash of his hand, the Fury turned into dust.

"No, no, no, no, no.." He muttered as he finally moved towards the children. He held his little boy in his arms. His face a pale white. His eyes a little lifeless. So young. So innocent. He cradled his small face in his hands. "..no, my brave, brave boy, please."

If anybody could say they had seen a god beg, then they wouldn't have lied. Because that day, he did. He begged and cried for Lady Hestia to bring his child back. He begged his own family more than anything in this world.

He looked at his little girl. She didnt seem hurt, but she was covered in blood.


He took her body in his arms, so fragile, so cold.

"Please, my love, don't leave me."

And then, Poseidon did something, he could have never thought. He cried. He screamed and the oceans stood apart. The world could feel his pain. His tear drops fell onto the girl's whitened skin and a blue glow started forming around the droplets.

Poseidon cried and screamed and wailed when suddenly the girl in his arms whimpered.


Poseidon looked at the girl, her face was scrunched up as he looked down at her. She was still alive. And that's when he knew. He knew what he had to do.


He warped the bodies back to Olympus as fast as he could. Gasps were heard around him when he walked through the gates of the courtroom.

"I request an audience with my so-called family."

And soon enough the rest of the gods took their positions on their thrones.

"Poseidon. What is this? What is the meaning of this?"

A lightning struck outside as Zeus looked at his brother angrily.

"Meaning? Meaning is that you all are so ruthless, so emotionless, that the moment you found out about me having a child, a monster was sent to deal with them like they are nothing. Like they are a piece of garbage."

"Well, you did make a vow." Hera clicled her nails on her throne.

"A vow that we all have broken. Hades. The Di Angelo's. Zeus. The Graces. So why. Why am I so different that you had to kill my family."

"Is she alive?"

Poseidon's eyes snapped towards Lady Hestia.


Lady Hestia had been the only onr to have cared whether she was alive or not.

"What do you plan to do with her?" Hermes had been observing the daughter and father.

"Raise her-"

"Absolutely not."

Zeus's loud booming voice echoed the halls of Mt. Olympus.

"Quiet." Poseidon yelled at Zeus as everyone felt the ocean getting angrier. "Let me speak, Brother."

When everyone had settled down, Poseidon spoke. His voice commanding. "I will raise her in Atlantis. And then, when she is ready, she shall be under the command of Chiron and Dionysus at Camp Half Blood. If anyone, and I mean anyone even tries to touch a single hair on her head, I will make sure you get lost in the ocean and not even your godlyness can help you out of there. Thats it. Court's adjorned."

As one by one the gods dispersed among themselves, Poseidon started to return back go Atlantis when Lady Hestia called out to him, "Poseidon"

He had stood in his place not looking at her.

"She'll always have a place here. On Olympus."

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